2019 isn't over yet.

It's that time of year, when everyone starts the countdown to 2020. Some people are giving you a countdown to hit your achievements, while others are assuring you that there are only a few weeks til you can start over.

I don't know why but those reassurances bug me. 2019 isn't over yet. You still have time to start over, so why wait to make things right.

If there are things going wrong in your life, why suffer any longer? I understand that bad things happen, and that new years is a means to end. A chance to let go of the bad of the past year and allow ourselves the chance to start over.


I just wonder, why do we wait? Why do we need "new year, new me" in order to actually make changes in our lives?

I go back and forth with this. On one hand, some people like official beginnings. They wait til birthdays and new years in order to be able to leave the past year behind them and allow them to start fresh. It's convenient, because people typically either have a winter break or take a few days off because of the holidays, so maybe it's easier to start fresh when you take a mini break from life.

On the other hand, I think people are looking for a way to procrastinate changing their lifestyle. You don't have to wait til a new year starts to make changes in your life.

When I think of the New Years, I look at it as a time to self-reflect and look back at all that I have learned throughout the year. Not only that, but I also look at all that I have accomplished. Sometimes when you're living in the moment and trying to reach your goals, it's hard for you to realize that you're much closer to your goals than when you originally started.

When I create my mini New Years Resolutions, I reassess multiple times throughout the year.  Not only because my goals change as time progresses, but also because I don't feel the need to wait a whole year to try to become a better me.


I think this might be sometime you realize as you get older, because when I was younger I definitely did not have this mindset. Not only that, but commercial society would prefer us to wait until one time of the year where they can sell their gym memberships, new cars, et cetera.

If you're waiting for an excuse to start fresh today, this is it.

How do you feel about the new years? Let me know! As always, I hope you have a wonderful day/night. Sending you love, strength, and positivity !

-Melina xxx

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  • K.M. Sutton says:

    Yasss to ALL of this! I one hundred percent agree with you. The only time I eve contemplate a "New me" is on my birthday. I am a strong believer in bettering yourself and chasing dreams and goals every day, not just at the New Year. Great post sweets! <3

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I definitely check in on myself multiple times a year, so I might check in with myself for the new year, but it's definitely not the only moment where I think "wow, it's time to find my new me!" Thanks so much for reading and commenting! I'm so glad to know you can relate 🙂 x

  • The Style of Laura Jane says:

    New Year's can be very addictive. After over indulging and spending at Xmas, it's a great feeling to set goals and have something new to look forward to. I think a lot of people have NYE resolutions just to handle Christmas guilt.

    I use to love trying to create a new year, new me thing, but I prefer checking in with myself every couple of months, just having a mental, honest conversation on whether I'm following the right path. I do like the excuse NY resolutions give though to refocus. But like you say, you can work on a goal on any given day, you don't need January the 1st to help. xxx

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I feel the same exact way! New Years can be super addicting, but I definitely prefer to check in with myself more often than once a month. I feel like it's easier to keep up with your goals if you're constantly checking on yourself and even realigning your goals to see what you really want in life. Thanks so much for reading and commenting Laura ! xx
