3 posts i’ve been lovin’ recently | episode 13

Hey guys, how are you all doing? I'm still in awe that it's already March. It's been warm and then snowing, so the weather's been a little bit all over the place. I still have a giveaway going on where you can potentially win a $100 gift card for a Jord watch. Go and check out the post to enter!

Today I'm going to share with you some more posts I've been loving recently. I do this monthly to spread the talent with other readers. If you like me, I'm sure that you will like them as well. Let's get into it!

remaining authentic as an influencer by always, cleia

Now, I've been following Cleia for a while now. She is a beauty blogger from Canada. I even remember the first post I read by her! It was an empties post, which to me was so new and I loved it! We both have super dry skin, so I trust what she has to say in terms of her opinion on products.

In this post she talks about the importance of remaining authentic as an influencer. This is such an important topic. Everyone is trying to be "internet famous" to some extent, and staying authentic should be one of the most important things people should keep in mind.

As a blogger, YouTuber or other type of influencer, what gives you your influence is the ability for people to trust what you have to say. If you start accepting products from everyone, and aren't honest in your reviews, people aren't going to trust you anymore, and so you are going to lose whatever influence you have.

You have to remain authentic. You have to be a bit picky in what you accept from brands and always stay honest! I definitely suggest checking out Cleia's post. She explains this whole idea way better than I could!

i broke up with instagram by the bonafide brunette

I honestly don't know how long I've been following BB, but I want to say in the last few months, her blog posts have really stood out for me. She writes personal lifestyle pieces that are so relatable, that I've been loving every one!

In this post, she talks about why she has deleted the Instagram app and is not planning on using it anytime soon. With my own frustrations with Instagram, I could completely relate to every word she stated. She has a really great way of writing, and I honestly suggest reading every single one of her posts!

how to live in the moment and love your life now by miel and mint

She starts by talking about the fact that people are always asking us what our goals are and "where we see ourselves in x amount of time". Now she says there's nothing wrong with planning, but it does tend to stress some ourselves out! She talks about the reasons we all tend to live in the future. She breaks it down into multiple categories.

Now only does she talk about why we live in the future, she also writes about the ways we can start living in the moment! It's a great post if you're stressing about the future a bit and need to find some ways to slow down that mental pace and start enjoy the present you're currently living. Check it out, she's another great blogger!

if you missed out on the other posts of the series you can catch up here:

3 posts i’ve been lovin’ recently | episode 12

5 posts i’m lovin’ right now. | episode 11

5 Posts I’m Lovin’ Right Now. | Episode 10

3 Posts I’m Lovin’ Right Now. | Episode 9

3 Posts I’m Lovin’ Right Now. | Episode 8

What posts have you been loving recently? Have you heard of any of these amazing bloggers before? If so, what are some of your favorite posts by them? If not, you should definitely check all three of them out! As always, thank you for reading. It means more than you know. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. Sending you love, strength, and positivity.

-melina xxx


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  • alwayscleia says:

    I didn't even know that you linked to my post until I started catching up on your posts! Thank you so much! I'm glad that you enjoyed it and I hoped that people will find it helpful. I've book marked the other two posts for later, I can't wait to read them!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      omg, your welcome! I loved that post so so much, and I had to share it with others!
      I hope you enjoy the other two posts that were also listed 🙂 x

  • sophia says:

    really enjoyed reading this post. I went ahead and read some of the others and really enjoyed them. Thanks for sharing them!!

    Sophia xo

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I'm so glad you enjoyed the posts I shared! Thanks for reading and commenting Soph 🙂 xxx
