3 Things I'm grateful for in May

As you guys all know, every month I like to remember to be appreciative of all the good that is in my life and talk about three things that I am grateful for throughout the month

  1. Graduation

    This is probably the biggest thing that happened to me throughout the month, and I am so glad to say that I did it. I'm done with school. I know I had major anxiety about it at the beginning of the month, but I did it, so Yay! You guys will be one of the first to know what the next chapter of my life consists of.

  2. Graduation Party

    I know this kind of goes with the first one, but I have to give it a completely separate moment. I basically celebrated my graduation on two days (thanks to my mom). On the day of my graduation, me and my immediate family went to a restaurant. This past Sunday though, some people gave up a few hours of there day in order to celebrate a huge milestone in my life. I would like to thank every single person who came. I would also like to thank every person on my social media that has thanked me too! It's crazy to think that all these people have gotten together to congratulate me and this moment in my life. Thank you all.

  3. Yoga

    I have had a very mentally exhausting month, and I wouldn't have been able to get through it without some Yoga. Me and my friend Jill go to Yoga every Tuesday at night, and it's helped loads. If you haven't tried it before, I suggest you do. Yoga is super relaxing for the mind and the body.

    Here are some pictures from my graduation! I hope you guys have a wonderful day/night! What are you guys grateful for this month? Let me know in the comments below! Sending all of you positive vibes.

-Melina xxx

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  • Robyn says:

    Congratulations on graduating!! Love the cap quote!! What's next for you?? Also completely agree about yoga! Robyn x


    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Thanks so much! I'm going to get a job in NYC for a social media department. Super exciting stuff! I've been loving yoga so much, such a game changer. Thanks so much for reading robyn xxx

  • effcaa says:

    Congrats on your graduation! 🙂
    x finja | http://www.effcaa.com

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Thanks so much! such a huge milestone. Thanks for reading Finja xxx

  • beautylifemom says:

    Love your gratitude posts!! Congrats again on graduation! Can you believe it?! I love that you found a way to deal with the stress by doing yoga. I'm going to start exercising more by going to the gym and hope it helps me in life overall. Glad to know so many people are being proactive with their stress and anxiety! XX Jen

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Thanks so much Jen! I'm glad to hear you started your workout Journey! Let me know how it goes for you xxx

  • TheCrimsonCardigan says:

    Congratulations!!!! So awesome to have that milestone under your belt. Much more adventures to come for sure! I hope you have a fantastic summer planned.

    Ashlynn | http://thecrimsoncardigan.com

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Thanks so much Ashlynn, I'm excited to see what comes next! I'm actually going on one of my major trips next week, which I'm super excited for 🙂 Thanks for reading and your super kind words xxx
