5 Posts I'm Lovin' | 36

Hey, it's been a while since I've shared with you some posts I've been loving, and there have been quite a few in the last few months! In order to keep it short and sweet, I decided to choose 5 of my favorites. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, and let's get into it!

How I'm Being Kinder to Myself by Megan Portorreal

Megan's blog has been a more recent fave of mine, but with good reason! Not only do we live pretty close to each other, but I relate a lot to everything she writes. I feel like we have similar interests, so it's been pretty cool to get to know her though her blog!

Now in this post she talks about things she's been doing to be more forgiving and kinder to herself. I sometimes struggle with being kind to myself, and so this post was the perfect reminder for me to not be so hard on myself. If you need some ideas on how to give yourself the love you deserve, give this post a read!

To be a Woman by Always, Cleia

Now Cleia has been a dear blogging friend of mine since I've started blogging back in 2016, and she's recently dipped her toes into lifestyle content! She's always been a super talented writer, but I've really enjoyed reading her personal thoughts a lot. In this post she talks about the downsides to being a woman compared to a man. It's something that any female struggles with to some extent, so it was just extremely relatable. Not only that, but it was super well written! I would go as far to say that this might be my favorite post Cleia has written so far. I highly recommend checking out this post and giving her some love!

I'm Really Passive Aggressive and I Need to Cut that Shit Out by The Little Plum

Now if you've been on my blog for some time, you would know that I'm obsessed with everything Chloe from The Little Plum writes. She has a way of sucking you into every post with her way of storytelling.

She talks about passive aggression, and the idea of why we act passive aggressive, even if we're open about things that bother us. I thought this was a super interesting read. I really try not to be passive aggressive, I feel like it doesn't really solve anything. In the same breath, because I try to avoid conflict at almost all cost, sometimes it translates as passive aggressiveness.

Why I'm Tired of Being Told I Need to Grow Up by Frock Me I'm Famous

I think the idea that you have to live a certain way to be considered an actual adult is wrong. There's no right or wrong way to live. As long as you're happy and not hurting anyone, then there's no problem. In this post she talks about people looking down at her because she travels a lot instead of taking a more traditional route of owning a house, being married, and having kids.

I'm in my late 20's, so posts like these really speak to me. Time is flying, and I'm learning more about what I do and don't want in my life, but in the same breath I'm not where I thought I'd be. It's taken me a lot to come to terms with the fact that it's okay if I'm not where my "life plan" had scheduled me to be. Her post is a lil ranty, but I loved it oh-so-much, and definitely recommend giving it a read!

Newsflash: It's Not Rude to Not be Available 24/7 by The Little Plum

I know, I know, another post by Chloe, but I'm telling you it's another good one! I think about this all the time. Since we're always attached to our phones, some people expect us to be available 24/7. I think it's something that's honestly pretty unhealthy. I think it's okay to want to keep in contact with people if you want to, but if you don't have the mental capacity to answer, that's okay too!

I don't have my read receipts on for anything, mainly because it hurts that person's feelings if you don't answer, and I honestly don't think someone should know when I read a message and when I'm going to answer. While there are certain friends I talk to pretty consistently on a daily basis, my friends are also understanding of the fact that sometimes I need to take a step back.

I might be on social media, but it's nothing personal! I just need to recharge.

Of course, Chloe says it much more eloquently than I do. Definitely give this one a read as well!

As always, please give all of these bloggers lots of love, because they're so talented, and each of these pieces really spoke to me! I hope you enjoyed them as much as I have. If you want to find some other posts I've liked, you can check out my last one here. Sending you love, strength, and positivity xx

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