a day of gratitude | 2023

Here in the United States, it's Thanksgiving. Yes, it's a day of family, friends, and delicious food. But it's also a day to sit down for a moment and reflect on the things you are grateful for. While I consistently write down the things that I'm grateful for in my bullet journal, and I even used to do a monthly gratitude post (or was it weekly?), I haven't shared with you things that I've been grateful for in a while.

I might touch on them on my weekly Fridaze, but I thought since I had the time, I would sit down and talk about the things that I'm grateful for this year.

My apartment

I moved in this year with my boyfriend, and while it hasn't been a completely seamless transition, I am so grateful to have started to create this home in this space. I look forward to coming home to my apartment every day, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I get to travel

This year I have traveled for weddings, done a few road trips, did Disney with J's family and went to Ireland! It's something I can never be grateful enough for. Traveling is one of the greatest pleasures in life, and the fact that I get to do it as much as I do is something I'm extremely grateful for.

my dog, Luca

We adopted Luca a little over a year ago, and while it was really difficult to train a puppy while we didn't live together, it was one of the best decisions we ever made. He is such a good boy, and he brings me so much happiness and comfort. Again, I'm just so grateful.

my boyfriend

We are coming up on 2 years of dating, and honestly I don't know where the time has gone. He has been there for me through every major life change, both good and bad. We have experienced so many cool things together. He's one of my best friends, and I'm so grateful to be dating such an amazing person.

the amazing and supportive family I have

I have gone on and on about my family, and yet I sometimes forget that not every family dynamic is like ours. We are so close knit, it's really nice. My siblings are some of my best friends, and I genuinely enjoy every moment together. Especially during Thanksgiving, I just feel blessed.

The chance to eat delicious food

Not only did I start my cooking journey about 2 years ago (moving on from the basics), but I am also extremely fortunate to live close to some really delicious restaurants. Good food is another great pleasure in life.

this desk set up I have

Since I've gotten this desk set up a few months ago, I finally feel like I have a proper place to write out my blog posts. I have more motivation to write, and plan things out. I love that I can play my games without lagging so much, and it's nice to have "my lil space" that's all mine in this shared apartment.

my online friends

I've had online friends since the day I made a Tumblr back around 2009 or so, and it's just super cool the connections you build with people online. I have a few close friends on my Bookstagram account, and I have also made some really great friends on here! I thoroughly enjoy chatting and getting to know them. Talking about hobbies and interests we have in common. It's just a really special bond, that unless you have made online friends, you wouldn't truly understand. So grateful to you guys!

the beautiful weather we have today

Today is honestly such a beautiful day. It's sunny, the birds are chirping. The air is crisp and it smells like fall. It's not too chilly, and there's a nice breeze drifting through my windows currently. I could have not asked for a nicer day today!

the fact that I can afford to give gifts to all my loved ones

One of the joys I have is getting the perfect gift for my loved ones. I hate giving gift cards, but I absolutely love finding a thoughtful gift they really love, and sometimes accompanying that gift with a thoughtful letter. I know sometimes people hate the consumerism of the holidays, but I sometimes feel like there's something special about giving someone you love a gift you think they'll love, and seeing their face of pleasant surprise. I'm grateful that I have always been able to give a gift to my loved ones, even if it's just a lil' something something.

my friends in real life

Of course, how could I talk about my online friends without mentioning the immense gratitude I have for my friends in real life. I am one of those people who have had friends since I was 5 years old. I think my newest friend (not including the friends I've made in J's friendship circle) I met when I was 18 in college? So that was still over 10 years ago.

I am so grateful to have such an amazing friend circle. Life may get busy, and we may not see each other as often as we used to, but the bond I have with these people is irreplaceable. They are all such special people, and I feel so lucky. Not only to have them in my life, but to have been able to have found them so early on in my life. They have seen all the eras of Melina, and have stuck around through it all! So blessed and I feel beyond fortunate.

This post wasn't an extremely long one by any means. But I had the urge to sit down and write, and it felt nice. What are you grateful for at the moment? Even if you don't live in the US, I would love to know anyways. For those of you who do celebrate, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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  • Marie @ drizzle & hurricane books says:

    I love this post so much, such a nice way to spread some positivity and gratefulness out there. I'm so happy you've been doing so good and yay for all the traveling, as well. I'm so grateful for you!! xx

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Thank you so much! It's been a hectic last few months with many ups and downs, but I feel like thinking about things you're grateful for (no matter how small) tends to help shift you way of thinking. I've been using the 5 minute gratitude journal app consistently lately, and it seems to help. So grateful for finding your blog when I first started mine! xx
