The Brain Fog that won't lift

I've disappeared for quite a while. Most of you probably haven't noticed, but for those of you that have, I'm sorry for being so inconsistent! I was thinking of popping back on here with a Fridaze as if I never disappeared at all. But for some reason that didn't come across as authentic to me.

The truth is that I've been mentally struggling quite a bit. While I struggle with SAD, I don't know why I've been getting symptoms so early this time around. It's true, that we were stuck with consistent rain in September. Not to mention the colder than average October. Add on top of that, that it's getting darker earlier, and I guess it's the perfect equation to be on the struggle bus.

I feel like the days are flying by, and I'm barely accomplishing anything. I struggle to not only go to sleep at night, but also wake up and get out of bed in the morning. I've been late more often than not to work, which I hate.

Then once I get home, the last thing I want to do anything productive, because I feel so drained. Luckily, I've been pretty good with at least taking aside 20 minutes a day to tidy up something in the apartment.

I feel like I hit the 'skip' button, and we're already almost at the end of October. I'm going to try to make little changes in my day to day life, to see if it helps. I already set up my Hatch alarm clock so my mornings aren't so dark. Starting taking my vitamin D supplements to offset the lack of sun, & taking magnesium to help with my sleep at night. Here's to hoping those things help.

While time has been flying by, the only thing that I've been proud of is the fact that I've stayed consistent with my Youtube channel. I've grown to have over 500 subscribers! I know that's not a lot to most people, but it's pretty cool that I've been having so much chatting books over there, and some people have followed along because they're interested too.

I can't promise that I'm back for good, but I'm going to try. Chat soon...hopefully x

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  • Lenne says:

    I totally get how tough those dark, rainy days can be. It can feel like a bit of a struggle bus sometimes. But I'm SO proud of you for keeping up with your youtube channel!! You're amazing and unstoppable :') Here's to brighter days ahead~ can't wait to see how those little changes work for you! <3

    Lenne |

  • Michelle says:

    Don't be too hard on yourself for not being consistent with your blogging. I'm sorry your SAD is affecting you so badly right now. I know, this week got unexpectedly cold so you probably felt that cold snap too. Sending you much love and I hope you feel like yourself again soon.

    Congrats on 500 YouTube subscribers! That's AMAZING and you should be so proud of yourself!
