Dear Diary 013 [writer's block, self-improvement, and the constant balancing act]

Hey, I can't believe it's been two months since I've written a diary/ramble type of post. It's funny because I've always found that when I have writer's block, these are the easiest posts to write.

I think, since I've started posting only once a week, I feel like the weeks have been going quicker, and I just don't know if you guys actually want to read these?

At the same time, I've been trying to journal at least a few times a week, and so I feel it's kind of weird to repeat some of the things I've written in my journal already?

I've decided to just start writing and share with you what's on my mind, and where I've been at.

Writer's Block

So I've honestly have had more time to start writing again, but I've had major writer's block. I honestly don't have much going on in my life at the moment, so I don't really have much inspiration on what to write. For the time being, I'm going to continue posting only once a week. The moment my creative juices start flowing again, I'll go back to posting twice a week! (hopefully that's sooner rather than later)


So I've been taking steps to self-improve. I've been reading some self-help books, still continuing to educate myself on the racial issues in the US, and I've taken the major step to start going to therapy again.

It was something that I've been deliberating for the past few months now, and I think with the high levels of anxiety I've been dealing with, going to therapy is the best option for me. I start in two weeks, and I gotta say I'm a little nervous, but also am hopeful!

It's not the same therapist I went to a few years back, but I hope I like her just as much.

Constant Balancing Act

With the pandemic still going strong in the US, I've been doing my part to social distance. At the same time, I've been slowly opening up my social circle, and hanging out with a few people.

I've also been doing a whole bunch of outdoor activities! One thing I've done twice this summer was go paintballing. I was super nervous the first time I went, but I ended up really liking it! I loved it so much, that I ended up going the week afterwards as well!

I haven't done the outdoor dining options yet, I've stuck to delivery or to picking up and taking home, but I might try it sometime in the near future.

It's been extremely tricky to make sure I'm doing what's right, while at the same time taking care of my mental health and not staying home all the time. I'm sure I'm not the only person who's been feeling this way. If you have any hints or tips for staying sane during the pandemic, let me know!

So that's where I'm going to leave this dear diary post. What has been going on in your life recently? Let me know down below! Talk soon xxx

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  • K.M. Sutton says:

    I love these posts and catching up with you! Sending you hugs hugs! It really is a balancing act I have eaten out, but only at places I know are taking proper precautions. Writers block is the worst! But I agree with you, these kind of posts are the easiest to write, I also feel like they are the easiest to jump in after being away for awhile. Paintball is SO much fun! So happy you got to enjoy it! I hope these last few weeks are amazing for you sweets! <3

    • Melina Elisa says:

      They have finally opened up indoor dining about a week and a half ago, and while I'm not comfortable with that, I've definitely been taking advantage of the outdoor dining before the weather gets too cold! Thanks so much for reading and sharing 🙂 x
