An Unexpected Way to Get Out of that Winter Funk!

Winter always puts me in a funk, but you already knew that. I've tried going to the gym (it helps tremendously), and I go about 3-4 times a week now! I've tried getting more sleep, spending more time outside (nature wise), and going out more (less time hibernating and more time dancing my nights away).

There's one thing recently that I couldn't believe that helped my winter. A tan. No, I'm not talking about a tanning bed and I'm not talking about tanning in the sun (I wish!). I started experimenting with self-tanner.


For those of you who have been self-tanner for years, you're probably wondering why I haven't tried it sooner! I know I should've, but I  always felt like it was something that takes too much to maintenance. With the exception of my hair (I love the blonde too much), I really can't keep up with something that needs a lot of upkeep.

I was also totally nervous using this, and it not really looking like me. Like what if my face isn't supposed to look tan (my face can't tan, it naturally just gets freckles and then burns), or what if I over tan and end up looking orange?


I took the chance one day after getting back from the gym, and I'm here to tell you that I loved it. I looked amazing. Not super tan, but definitely a level or two darker. My face has never had that much color in my life, and it was wonderful to have my face match my body!

One thing that changed that I never knew was going to happen, was how I  felt about myself and how it relieved some of that winter funk. Looking tan and  feeling amazing about how I looked was something I didn't expect. I know I  wanted to look tanner, because I think I would look good, but I didn't expect to feel better. I did though!


I wanted to write this post, just in case any of you want to give this a try too! So the  brand of self-tanner I used is called Loving Tan. I found out about it because of Amber Scholl! She even has her own affiliate code if you want to use it, you'll get a free tanning mitt! It's "amber".

It's super easy to use too! First, you need to shave and exfoliate. I used this body scrub from Nacomi Fluffy Scrub & Wash. It's vegan and smells soo yummy, so if you want to check it out, you can go to their website here (if you're from the United States and want to use this product here's a link). You can also use exfoliating gloves! I  got some from this Yelp Elite Event, but here's a link to some similar ones on Amazon (US: here ; UK: here).


After exfoliating, you dry off, and you put some of the tanning mouse on the tanning mitt. You put small amounts, and blend in circular motions. Be patient. Be extremely cautious of toes, elbows, fingers, and face. For those areas I used a short haired foundation brush. I found it much easier, especially for my face. You're supposed to leave it on for 2 hours, but I used it for a little less than an hour (what can I say, I was nervous I would turn out like an Oompa Loompa!). I step in the shower once more, and the product came off extremely easily! I was super happy with the results, but next time I'll leave it for a little longer than last time.

Have you guys used self-tanner before? What products do you like to use? Let me know in the comments below! Also let me know if you decide to try Loving Tan! I would love to know if you also had a positive experience with them. Thanks so much for reading. I hope you guys have a wonderful day/night. As always, sending you love, strength, and positivity.

-Melina xxx


*The body scrub was sent to me for review, but has in no way altered my opinion on them, and all words are my own, unless stated otherwise. Links used may be affiliated.This doesn’t effect at all what I promote, it simply means if you choose to purchase through the link, I get a small thank you from the retailer for sending you their way. This won’t cost you any more money, and won’t affect your shopping experience. If you’re not comfortable with this, just gomogle the item instead xx
**Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. If you feel uncomfortable with this, simply search for the item yourself.**

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  • Ema Brewer says:

    Been absolutely dying to try this tan for ages now. I can't agree more with you, a tan definitely makes you feel better in winter. If we can't have the sun, we can have the next best thing, right?

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Let me know how you like it when you do get the chance to try it out:) I hope you love it just as much as I do! Thanks so much for reading and commenting xx

  • Regina says:

    I once tried self-tanner and I did not like it. The skin was not uniform color and darker than I wanted. Maybe this new generation of self-tanners and the result will be better.

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      I would definitely try some of the high rated ones now! I know my mom used the same thing about the self-tanners she used to use, but the one that I used these last few times has worked like a charm xx

  • Katz Voyage says:

    Ive never used self tanner before but may have to give them a try, thanks for sharing 🙂

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      I seriously recommend it!

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      I really hope you do! and if you do, let me know how you like it. Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂 xx

  • Alexandra Quinlann says:

    Omg the winter is horrible and just like you, no matter what I try, I’m pretty much stuck in this funk! I think I might need a tan too! I’ve always loved the way I look when I’m tan 😊


  • Always Cleia says:

    I've never used a self tanner, I'm kind of scared about becoming too orange! It makes me think of the episode of Friends where Ross get's a spray tan xD I know it's not the same thing but still haha

    Good tip on using a foundation brush for the face! xx

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      I have a friend who's about your skin tone, and has used self-tanner for years! If you're ever interested I would give it a try, and only leave it on for short periods of time, like how I did it! If you see my instagram photos, my skin doesn't look anything close to Orange! Like you said, I was so scared of looking terrible like Ross, lmfaoo. Thanks for reading and commenting love xxx
