dear diary,

Hey guys,

I'm back! No, I haven't disappeared from the face of the earth. I had a friend who was visiting last week from the UK, and since I didn't have the time to pre-write anything, or even get the chance to look at my computer for the week she was here, this blog sat here completely untouched in that time.

I definitely gotta say that I missed writing. Two weeks ago, I went to a cafe to write my blog posts, and I loved it so much, I decided I would do that much more often in the future.

This is at least the second week this year that I've taken off from blogging, and while I don't feel necessarily guilty (okay, maybe a little bit a guilt), it definitely feels weird taking a break on something you are so committed to?

In other news...

i'm feeling more...human?


While I was on my staycation, visiting all the touristy sights in New York City, I have to say that I was feeling much more human. While I did have my phone with me at all times, I didn't really feel the need to check up on social media much. Not only that, but since I brought my camera with me, I didn't really reach for it in general!

It's kind of weird how attached we all are to our phones, and last week in general kind of showed how much it takes a toll on my life. Sometimes I think that my phone makes me happier, and removes my anxiety, but I don't know if that's necessarily true.

I feel the longer I go without my phone, the better I feel.

The more I think about it, I don't know if it's necessarily my phone, but social media. I feel like every time I take a break from my phone, I realize how much good it does for me.

summer vibes

Summer has officially arrived, and boy does it feel good. I've been trying to spend at least every day outside. It leaves me in such a good mood! I have so many amazing plans for the rest of the summer, and I'm beyond excited! Me and my friend, Jamie, literally text each other saying "I can't wait for [so and so]" a few times a week.


finishing touches on my project!

This might be one of the most exciting things going on in my life. Next week I will officially be able to announce what I've been working on this entire year! I've been working extremely hard on it, and am beyond proud of the outcome! Definitely look out for a post on it next week.

love island

I think the summer may be the best time of year for reality TV. Right after finishing up the season of Paradise Hotel, the Bachelorette & Love Island has started! Me and my sister constantly have loads of reality tv to watch, and we've been living for it!

feelin' myself


Since gaining weight, I've definitely struggled with feeling the most confident I know I can be. It's so difficult when clothes that used to fit you so well, just don't anymore. I have lost 10lbs in the last few months, and while I'm definitely not where I want to be, I can definitely say that I love the way I've been looking recently.

I've been more into taking pictures, and just overall have loved myself even more! I'm definitely not complaining at all, and am livin' life!

While I've done a lot recently, I really don't have thatt much to report on! How has your June been going? I definitely have to say I've been enjoying 25 so far! Sending you love, strength & positivity!


-Melina xx

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  • alwayscleia says:

    I love writing my posts in a coffee shop/cafe, I feel so productive surrounded by other productive people on their laptops.
    I'm glad that you took some time off, we all need that sometimes. It's nice to come back refreshed! I'm so excited about your new project!
    I hope you're having an amazing Summer x

  • Marie says:

    I feel the same way about my phone... I feel much better when I'm not too into it and looking at social media, but sometimes I have intense FOMO and feel like I need to be looking at it, somehow, haha. I felt free and, content last week as I took a little break from everything, blogging and social media a little bit too, and it was so lovely, but it also made me feel a tiny bit guilty. It's complicated to be a blogger and feel this way aha 🙂
    I'm so, so happy you've been feeling so positive, lately, I'm sending you all the hugs, you're amazing xxxx

    • Melina Elisa says:

      omg yes, I get it! I know that having my phone at all times won't make me feel better, and yet? I'm constantly either on my phone or reaching for it?
      omg yes, the guilt it too real! I love being a blogger, and it's this love/hate relationship with my phone.
      Thank you so much for reading and giving me your opinion on it xxx
