Fridaze 003

Can you believe it's Friday again? I feel like time is going so quickly!

I have been really enjoying writing these weekly lil' updates. I also feel like I've been taking more pictures throughout the week, which is pretty cool. It'll be even nicer to look back on in the future!

This week, like most of this month, has been pretty eventful actually. I feel like with the warm weather, came a much more eventful life (which I'm still not sure if that's a good or bad thing)!

My best friend is back

During the pandemic, my best friend was sent away to Texas for some specialty training for the Air Force. While she was only supposed to be gone for about 3 months, she ended up staying much much longer.

Last Wednesday, she came back to our hometown! While I wasn't able to see her immediately, I spent almost the whole day with her on Saturday. We had a super nice time (coffee, farmer's market, Mexican Food, & used book store)! I'm beyond happy to have my partner in crime back. I know we're in for a fun summer together.

Finally got around to doing my May spreads

I almost never talk about it anymore, but I still use my bullet journal! Even during these uneventful months, I still would make a monthly spread, and organize my bullet journal accordingly for my needs. The spreads were a lot more simplistic, where I stuck to a weekly to-do list, instead of a daily task list. It worked a lot better than I had anticipated, and even though my weeks are slowly getting more eventful, I've still been enjoying this layout!

Even though I started my May spreads late, I have to say that this simplistic theme might be one of my favorites for this year so far! Even if I don't end up using my bullet journal every day, there's something therapeutic about sitting down and writing what you have planned for that day/week/month.

Treated myself to Shake Shack

For the month of May, I was trying to eat healthy, and predominately eat food from home! I'm going on a trip tomorrow actually, and I wanted to be "summer ready". While I don't think I lost weight, I was cutting down on dairy & carbs, and was a lot less bloated during these past two weeks!

I already knew that while those are the best food groups in the world, my body definitely does not agree with me.

I ended up getting some Shake Shack fries this past weekend, and they tasted so so good. (they did forget my cheese, which made them slightly less enjoyable)

Finished Shadow & Bone

Last week I mentioned that I started Shadow & Bone, and then last Friday I sat down after work on my deck (with a mojito next to me) and I finished the book that night! Once the book picked up, it was so good. I'm waiting for my sister and best friend, Melissa, to finish so we can all talk about it it! That means I have to wait for them to start the second book (guys, if you're reading this, hurry up...just kidding!)

My sister-in-law visited!

This past Sunday, my sister-in-law asked me a random question, which leads me to respond, "why, are you coming to visit soon?" Surprise, Surprise when she tells me she's coming the following day! It was so pleasant to have her come, visit, and spend the night with us. She even had her brother with her, so I got to meet him for the first time, which was super nice.

The night was filled with delicious food, laughs, and lots & lots of drinks (she can attest to that).

I hadn't seen her since the end of January, which feels like forever ago, so I'm glad she came when she did! If everything goes as planned, I should be visiting her and my brother in August, so fingers crossed, everything goes smoothly!

My cousins came from Costa Rica

Then I got even more surprising news from my dad! My cousins from Costa Rica were coming to visit for two weeks (I'm telling you guys, it was a very eventful week). Now keeping it between you and me, they came in order to get vaccinated (which they have already), but it was a bonus to be able to see them and spend some time with them!

I have so much family, but they're definitely among my favorites (I just get along with them pretty well, and they just have such good vibes!)

Got my Nails Done

The last cool thing was me getting my nails for the first time in over a year! The last time I got my nails done was when I went to get them done to go to London last March (before the world shut down). Not only did it feel to be pampered once again, but I also tried Dip for the first time on my nails.

I normally get Gel done on my nails, but after my mom had an amazing experience using dip instead, I decided to give it a try this time! I completely love how my nails came out. I don't know if I'm always going to stick to dip, because while it's "healthier" for the nail, there are limitations to what kind of designs and colors you can do.

Overall, I found a new/old salon to go to, which has excited me quite a bit. I'll definitely be back soonish!

Wow, I knew I had an eventful week, but sharing it with you all, made me realize it was much busier than I thought! How was your week? Let me know! Sending you love, strength, and positive vibes xx

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  • Laura Jane says:

    That must have been so nice seeing your best friend, your cousins from Costa Rica and your sister-in-law all around the same time! There are some family and friends I haven't seen since lockdown, and I can't wait to just meet up again.
    There is a pressure to be 'summer ready' every year and in the best shape possible. I find now, I focus more on not being bloated and on actually feeling healthy, rather than just trying to look it. But it isn't always easy! xx

    • Melina Elisa says:

      It seems like things in the UK seem to be getting better, so I hope you've had the chance to meet up with them at this point! Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂 x
