Fridaze 016

I honestly didn't know if I wanted to write this week's Fridaze post. I've had such a shit week, and I went back and forth about whether I wanted to talk about it or not. Believe it or not, I still haven't decided if I'm going to talk about it. Right now, writing has been extremely therapeutic during these highly anxious times, so I'm just going to write and not think too much about it. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, and let's chat about life!
Field of Terror
Last Friday, I went to another haunted house with a similar group of people! It was supposed to be a haunted hay ride, but let me tell you. It was expensive, and a complete let down. Firstly, for the haunted hay ride, we had to wait an hour and a half on line. The hay ride itself had a lot of potential! The sets were all amazingly set up, what I found to be the issue is the fact that they were severely understaffed. For example for a 5-10 minute hay ride there were only 3-4 actors trying to scare us. The rest of the way, there was no one!
In the package we bought, they also included 3 mini haunted houses, and I felt like it was the same thing. The decorations were amazing, but there just weren't enough actors. I honestly don't see myself going back, especially for the price.
Oktoberfest in Laurita Winery
The rest of my weekend was just as fun filled, me & my friend Amanda went to Oktoberfest at the Laurita Winery. It was super fun because we bought two bottles of wine and tried a whole bunch of food at different food trucks! While the wine Laurita Winery makes isn't very good, they offer wine from other brands, which is what I recommend you do!
Emo Night
The same day we went to Oktoberfest, me and Amanda spontaneously decided to go out to a local Emo night at a bar near her apartment. While we definitely weren't dressed for the occasion, we had an amazing time!
Apple Picking
Now I woke up Sunday morning, exhausted. After two days of completely non-stop, all I wanted to do is stay home and recharge. What ended up happening instead was going apple-picking with my family. I had a good time, even though I was tired.
The day was filled with cinnamon sugar donuts, apples, and delicious apple cider!
It was also a really nice thing to do with my Grandma who is leaving on Wednesday. My cousin who spontaneously came to visit for the week also came!
Bumps in the Road
Now throughout this entire weekend, my anxiety was pretty high. If you've been keeping up with my Fridaze posts throughout this month, you would know that my anxiety has been slowly building up. This past week it's the highest it's been since last Spring. I've been struggling with the changing of weather. I haven't been sleeping very well. Then, I dealt with the general anxiety that occurs on a day-to-day basis. Finally, I had some major dating anxiety.
In terms of my dating anxiety, I actually brought up some concerns that needed clarification to the guy I'm dating. While he didn't take it badly per-se, it also wasn't the best case scenario. I'm proud of myself for bringing up how I was feeling, because I always bottle things up, in order to avoid any type of "conflict", but I also wish I got my best case scenario.
It's been very hard to distract myself from all these things that have been causing me anxiety. Usually I find some solace in reading, but my anxiety has been so severe, that hasn't been the case this past week.
While I had a lot of cool things happen to me this week, it was a very difficult week. I'm hoping next week will be much better for me! Now tell me, how was your week? I hope it was better than mine! Let me know down below. Sending you love, strength, and positive vibes xx