Fridaze 019

It feels good to sit in front of my laptop, and share with you how my week's gone. It's been a while (my last Fridaze was in November)! While a lot has happened in the past month, most of them good (with the exception of getting Covid over the holidays), I've decided to stick to more recent current events.

Grab a cup of coffee/tea, and let's chat!

Continuing with my same bullet journal

Instead of starting a new bullet journal, like I usually do in January, I decided to stick with the one I started in September. I want to make a whole post talking about my opinion on the Papier Hardcover Bullet Journals, but I will just come outright and say that I'm not the biggest fan of them. They're cute, but for the price point, you can honestly find a bullet journal with higher quality pages. Like I said, I'll make a whole post sharing with you my complete thoughts.

Until then, I will finish off this bullet journal, and move back to a brand I've really enjoyed in the past.

Turks & Caicos officially postponed

Last week, I was supposed to be in Turks & Caicos. With me & one of my friends both getting Covid around the holidays, and with the covid numbers going up so dramatically, we decided to postpone our trip!

I think everything happens for a reason, so I wasn't too upset about it. It just gives me something to look forward to in the future!

Lots of Dates

The last time I updated you I was going on dates with Piano J. I went to Miami with my best friend, and when I came back I knew it was time to end it. There were a lot of little things that I wasn't really liking, and then right before my trip, he acted in a way that I didn't appreciate at all.

Since then, I have met Gamer J. We met at my friend's, Amanda, boyfriend's friend's Christmas event. We immediately connected, and spent a lot of the night getting to know each other and clicking really well. Right after the event he got Covid, and I got covid about a week later, so we spend a lot of time just talking on the phone, facetiming, and gaming together! It was really nice to have long comfortable phone conversations. We ended up going on our first in person date, right after New Years day, and since then we've gone on a lot more! They've all gone really well, and for the first time in a while, I'm excited to find out where it's gonna go.

My Therapist came back!

Last time we chatted, my therapist told me that she was leaving in order to go and try out a different job. A few weeks ago, I found out from my new therapist, that my old therapist was coming back! I felt a little bad leaving my new therapist, but I knew I wanted to go back to my old therapist. Last week was my first session with her, and it felt so nice to update her on all the things that have happened in my life (surprisingly a lot happened in the course of 5-6 weeks).

Dad's Birthday

This past week was my dad's birthday! We ended up going to a Spanish restaurant with my main family and my cousins! The location was really cute, the drinks were tasty, and while the food was only okay, I still had an amazing time. Afterwards we went back to the house and ate some of the Tres Leche my mom made!

Caught up with Jill

It always feels so nice when I get the chance to catch up with Jill. She came over, we watched some reality TV, and updated each other on our lives (we each had a lot to share). As always, we had a great time.

Ice Skating

I really like ice skating, and definitely don't go as often as I would like to. For my birthday, my brother and sister-in-law got me a pair of ice skates. I honestly haven't even had the chance to use them yet! I got to use them for the first time this past weekend. It was me, my sister, her boyfriend, my younger brother, and Gamer J. I had a great time, I just kinda wish there were less people there. I have to go back soon!

SugarTree with the Girls

Somehow I was able to fit in brunch/lunch with the girls. I went to SugarTree with Erika a few months back, and so I decided to take them here. The place is super cute and the food's pretty good! Not only do I highly recommend the place, but I will definitely be back for a third time.

I have a...boyfriend

This might be the biggest thing to share with you guys. Honestly, I've only told one person so far, but Gamer J asked me to be his girlfriend! I really like him, and said yes. I don't really have much more to share about that, but I'm honestly really happy. I genuinely think he likes me, and I really like him.

I know originally I said I was only going to talk about what happened this past week, but somehow I ended up talking about what happened for the past two weeks #whoops. I've already started Tuesday's post, so most likely, we'll chat again then! Sending you all love, strength, and positivity xx

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  • Lauren says:

    Sorry to hear you had covid. I hope you are feeling better. Congratulations on your relationship status it is great you are happy. I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year. Thank you for sharing.

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I was feeling some leftover fatigue, but I'm feeling 100% better now! I hope you had a wonderful holidays. Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂 xx

  • Hannah says:

    Sorry to hear you had COVID, I hope you're doing ok now. I love your attitude about postponing the trip, it could have been so easy to feel down about, but it's great that you've been able to put a positive spin on it. Also congrats on the relationship!! It sounds like you're really happy together and I'm so pleased for you xx

    Hannah |

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Hi Han, it's sad that I'm responding to this knowing that you now have covid 🙁 I'm feeling 100% now! I hope you feel better soon though.
      I think at first I was a little bummed because I was looking forward to it, but I decided to just keep a positive outlook, and realize that there are benefits to postponing the trip.
      And yes! I am very happy 🙂 xx
