Fridaze 038

I've genuinely missed blogging consistently, and have been trying to prioritize some time to chat with you all. It's Friday again, which means another Fridaze. This was a nice and slow week. It gave me the time to recharge in a way I haven't really been able to do.


J is a huge fan of the game WoW (World of Warcraft), and a new expansion has come out. Which means, that I've had more time to relax exactly how I want to. There was no need to compromise on what to watch. He wasn't too keen on watching Wednesday with me, so when he told me he was going to spend most of the weekend playing WoW, I knew I would take advantage and watch the first season of Wednesday.

People have been raving about this show, but I still kept my expectations low. You don't know how many times, people overhype a show, and when I get the chance to watch it myself, I'm left underwhelmed. I think it was a cute show, and I definitely enjoyed the mystery/spooky aspects of the show. Was it my favorite show of 2022? No. But I enjoyed it, and will for sure watch season 2. Have any of you watched it? What are your thoughts?

More Pokemon Scarlet

J had been binging this, and I had fallen so so behind. I'm think I'm a little less than half way through the game, and have about 30 hours of gameplay at the moment. I got much further this past weekend! Since I spend more time reading throughout the weekday instead of playing, it's been taking me a while to finish. But I'll finish it eventually!

It's definitely a bit clunky and glitchy, but I'm still really enjoying it. I hope they put more effort in the next open world Pokemon game though.

2 Books from my book Goal

I've been rereading The Cruel Prince lately. I originally read the series on my kindle, but when I saw they had the trilogy book set on sale on Amazon, I knew I wanted them for myself. Since they've come in, I've been enjoying rereading and annotating the book.

I have to say, I think I like The Cruel Prince more this time around! I don't know if it's because I know what's going to happen, so certain quotes speak out to me more or what. But there's something so comforting about rereading a book you've read before.

I also like rereading books, because I don't feel as tempted to stay up all night trying to finish it!


This week, Luca's been sleeping over (he normally stays over J's) since J's traveling for work. It's been a bit of a handful having him all day, especially without the help from J, but it's been really nice too.

He's also expected to spend half the week at my house next week as well!

Starting Demon Slayer

Since J's been traveling, I've been watching Demon Slayer. It's something him and my sister, Sofia, both hype up a lot. But since they've already watched it, they don't really want to re-watch it with me.

Which is fine, because this week and a half of him traveling means I can watch it all! I'm about 20 episodes in, and I'm really enjoying it. It's super good. I don't know if I like it more than My Hero, but I still have a lot of the show left to watch. What are your thoughts on Demon Slayer?

Coffee in bed

These past two weekends have been super slow, in a good way. All too often, I wake up on the weekends and have to rush somewhere. It makes me appreciate the slow weekends so much more. I've been lounging in bed, and doing absolutely nothing productive. It feels amazing. J has surprised me twice by waking me up with my favorite Starbucks coffee (at the moment, it's a PSL, but it's usually a Brown Sugar Oat Milk shaken espresso). It's such a pleasant surprise, and as someone who appreciates a delicious cup of coffee in the morning, it's the perfect way to start my Saturday/Sunday morning.

Post I've made this week:

Shows/Movies I’ve Watched:

  • Wednesday [Netflix]
  • Demon Slayer [Hulu]
  • Murders in the Building [Hulu]

Books I’ve Been Reading (Let’s be Goodreads Friends!) :

  • Gods & Monsters (Serpent & Dove #3) by Shelby Mahurin
  • One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston
  • Iris Zero 7 by Takana Hotaru
  • The Emperor (Darkverse #3) by RuNyx
  • Lovelight Farms by B.K. Borison
  • The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
  • Meet Me Under the Mistletoe by Jenny Bayliss
  • A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses #2) by Sarah J. Maas

Games I’ve Been Playing:

  • Pokemon Scarlet [Switch]

I know not much happened this week, but I still really enjoy chatting with you all. I also really like writing about parts of my life, I always appreciate these kinds of posts when I look back at them during my yearly blog anniversary. This blog and I have been through a lot together, and it's very cool to be able to look back at these posts. Hope you're enjoying this holiday season, and if you're not, stay strong! Only two more weeks left til 2023. Sending you love, strength, and positive vibes. Chat in the next one xx

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  • Laura Jane says:

    Weekends in bed when you can chill without having to rush are the best. Especially post-Christmas! I hope you're having a great 2023 so far! xx

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I haven't had a week like that since before Christmas! I hope to have a weekend like that soon. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. Happy 2023! xx

  • I'm All Booked Up says:

    Thanks for sharing your recap. We friended you on Goodreads.

    We're glad to hear that you enjoyed The Cruel Prince even more now.

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Thank you for reading! I'm going to friend you back, I love seeing what other people are reading :)x

  • Michelle says:

    Yes!! We love a nice and slow week. I somehow feel more balanced and recharged when I've carved out time in the week both to write long-form in my journal, and to blog.

    I felt similarly with Wednesday. I loved the premise of it, but the second half of the season fell short for me. Having said that... already can't wait for season two!

    I have around 20 hours of gameplay logged for Pokémon Violet, and I'm enjoying playing it at my own pace. Beat another gym and den yesterday, and I'm excited to play a little after work. Have a lovely week ahead Melina, and a wonderful Christmas!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I do too! There's something very special about writing your thoughts down.
      I am looking forward to the second season of Wednesday too! I honestly think it'll be even better than the first. If a show has really good potential, I feel like the pilot season is almost a test run, and they tend to go all out during the second season.
      Merry Christmas Michelle ! I hope it's fill delicious food, close friends/family, and happy memories xx
