Fridaze 058

I know I'm posting this much later than usual, but I honestly forget it was Friday? This week has been really busy at work, and when I got home I was working out or had no motivation for anything else other than reading and watching TV. But I got home today, and realized that I haven't written my Fridaze yet, so here I am! Let's jump right into it.
Poconos, PA 2023
My brother turned 21 last week. And while he's not a big fan of drinking, he was excited to go to a casino. He's also not much of a partier, so we went up to the Poconos, which is a mountain town in Pennsylvania and borrowed his friend's family's house. From there we went to the casino & did some other activities. It was really nice spending time as a family to celebrate his birthday. It's been a while that we've all gone somewhere together, just the 5 of us (sans significant others).
Still lots of traffic, but I'm getting the hang of it
Since last week, there hasn't been much improvement in terms of traffic. I've been waking up earlier (which has been tough), and eating through the traffic. It has gotten slightly better on certain days of the week, so I hope it continues to improve!
I caught up with my BBF Jill (Do you guys remember that commercial? No? Am I aging myself by even bringing it up?). She came over and it was really nice. We caught up a lot over what happened in the last month or so since we've seen each other. It's always really nice, because we have that close emotional friendship that I feel like I can genuinely open up and talk about what's going on in my life.
reading high quality books
While I haven't gotten into a reading funk this year so far, I have to say that this week has been an especially good week for reading. I finished Hidden Pictures, and omg it was really good. I hadn't read a thriller in about two months or so, and this one got me hooked. I wasn't sure what to believe or where the book was going to go, so I really enjoyed it!
Then, I've been reading Magnolia Parks & A Court of Wings and Ruin side by side. I'm about halfway through Magnolia Parks, and I can't believe it's taken me this long to start reading. This book is Blair and Chuck's relationship from Gossip Girl in a book. I'm so attached to them and their story, I just want to keep reading. Luckily there are 4 books in the series so far, and the 5th book comes out in February!
Then ACOWAR is really good. There's a lot more world explanations, more characters, the found family vibes are still there and better than ever, politics, and there's a war. I'm about 70% done with this one. I'll probably finish it in the next few weeks. It's been taking me a while to finish it, because I'm reading about 3-10% a week. I'll get there though!
restarting my newsletter!
This may be the most exciting news. I'm restarting my newsletter. I don't exactly know what made me want to start it. I starting writing one about a year or two into my blogging, but school became too much and stopped.
But I'm back! I've already almost finished drafting October's Newsletter, and it was a lot of fun. If you aren't already subscribed to me, you can join by signing up on your right hand side. I would love for you to join my secret lil' club.
I put a lot of work into the layout, and trying to figure out what I'm going to share with you on there. I've been really into blogging recently, and feel like this is a pretty fun next step. I hope you join me on there:)
lil things:
- chillier nights, which means the AC will be off soon, but the windows will be open
- late nights binging a really good book
- feeling a bit more balanced since moving
- sad I'm almost all caught up with Black Clover, but happy that the new season starts next year
- thinking Jujutsu Kaisen was over, but finding another episode on Crunchyroll
- the leaves are starting to turn on some trees!
- my coworker treating me to a coffee
Posts in September:
Shows/Movies I’ve Watched:
- Black Clover [Crunchyroll]
Books I’ve Been Reading (Let’s be Goodreads Friends!) (Let’s be StoryGraph Friends!) :
- Iris Zero 7 by Takana Hotaru
- The Emperor (Darkverse #3) by RuNyx
- A Court of Wings and Ruin (A Court of Thorns & Roses #3) by Sarah J. Maas
- Happy Place by Emily Henry
- The Final Offer by Lauren Asher (Dreamland Billionaires #3)
- Magnolia Parks by Jessa Hastings
- Witches get stuff done by Molly Harper
I'm sorry again for the late post (even though most of you probably won't notice). How has your week gone? Let me know! As always, thanks for reading. I hope you have a happy Fridaze xx

Nothing is better then when you read something so gripping! Sadly, I've been reading some pretty boring books lately but I have some thrillers queued up on my Kindle that I'll be reading next! Hopefully they're more interesting than the last 2 books I read.
I just signed up for your newsletter! I've been wanting to start one for my blog but I feel very intimidated by creating a newsletter for some reason. It's probably not as complicated as I think it is and I should just stop putting it off. haha ♥
Oo, you'll have to let me know what thrillers if you end up liking them! Do it, for me it was a fun project, and I would definitely subscribe to your newsletter if you were going to write one 🙂 x