Happy 2025

Hello friends! Lot time no chat. This may be the longest break I've ever taken from my blog, and it honestly felt bittersweet the whole time. I've missed chatting with you all, and not only sharing what I've been up to, but also seeing what my fellow blogger friends have been up to as well! I've definitely did come back to check in on everyone at some point during my lil' break, but I still didn't make a post in between that time.

And I am sorry for that. I feel like this is my baby, something that I've kept up with since December of 2016. So to neglect is so fully, feels a little strange. If you've been here long enough, you know that I'm not the best when it comes to balancing everything I want to do. Not only has this blog been ignored, but I've also not been the best at keeping up with working out.

While those two things have definitely not been a priority for me, I've been mainly sticking to Youtube & my Bookstagram. I just felt like I had so many social media pages to keep up with, that my blog kind of fell in the back burner.

But Happy 2025! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, & New Years. I've had an extremely busy holiday season. Lots of invites, brunches, birthdays, the actual holidays, and then some. By the end of December, I was socially drained. My social battery at a negative.

For New Year's, me and my boyfriend both decided to stay home, order some food in, and play Baulder's Gate 3! It honestly couldn't have been a more perfect celebration. We were both tired of going out and doing stuff, so staying in and spending the night together couldn't have been better for us.

This year, I'm not entirely sure what I want this space to turn into, but I definitely want to be more consistent than I am now. I think I want to do bi-weekly Fridaze, and sprinkle in some more personal posts throughout the month. Since I'm posting weekly to Youtube, I just don't think it's realistic for me to post bi-weekly like I used to.

We'll see what I end up doing in the next coming weeks, but I just wanted to pop in and say 'hi'.

This winter has surely been a struggle for me, but the energy of the new year (mixed in with a new laptop I bought myself for Christmas) has left me motivated to take the time to show this space some love. Maybe we'll do a yearly recap & my top books of 2024 (or maybe not, maybe I'll just share the Youtube video where I chat about them)?

Nontheless, I know this post is not even close to perfect, but it just feels good to sit down in front of my laptop and just write. So tell me, how have you been? I would honestly love to know. Also, what are your goals for 2025? Another thing I always love hearing about.

Chat soon x

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  • Michelle Chai says:

    It's so good to see you back here Melina! I've really enjoyed watching your Bookmas videos, and totally understand how you feel trying to balance everything. I want to make an effort to show up on Daisybutter more, but I'm really enjoying Substack and bookstagram these days!

    Happy New Year! x

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Happy New Year! It feels good to be back. I feel reenergized to restart on my blog, just a little bit differently than before:)

  • Michelle says:

    Happy 2025, Melina! Don't beat yourself up too much. The end of the year always tends to be busy with the holidays and all. I've also been neglecting my fitness routine and I've been having insomnia since mid-November. One of my goals this year is to learn how to use my sewing machine so I can sew properly.

    Btw, I need to binge your YouTube videos! I have them saved in my 'watch later' playlist but always forget! â™Ĩ

    • Melina Elisa says:

      insomnia is one of my worst symptoms of my SAD! That constant exhaustion is tough, but we're fighting through it. Winter solstice has finally passed, and we finally are seeing a little bit more daylight every week:) I have a sewing machine, and only know how to do the basics of fixing some of my favorite articles of clothing. I can't wait to see what you end up doing with yours, you're so crafty! We're through the worst of it! xx

  • Panty Buns says:

    Wishing you a very Happy year 2025 (and beyond) as well!!!!!!
    P.S.: Kudos on your YouTube ( https://www.youtube.com/@heyyitsmelina/videos )
