How to stay on track with your goals/resolutions!

We're almost at the end of January. I can't believe that time is flying by so quickly! I hope you guys are staying strong with your goals or resolutions. I've come up with some tips to help you guys stay on track with your goals! I made them pretty general so they could work with any goal you may have.

Track your goals

We are so busy in our daily lives. It's important to track your goals and know your progress. You should be reviewing these goals regularly. See if you're making the proper changes in order to achieve your goal.

Plan Ahead

It's so easy to use our busy lives as an excuse to give up on your goal, regardless of whether it's a diet, fitness routine, etc. Look at your planner for the next month or so, so you can work your goal around your plans.

Set Milestones

Your goal might seem far away. Instead of focusing on how far you are from reaching your end goal, give yourself a milestone marker. Give yourself an ambitious, but not unrealistic deadline to reach that milestone. When you reach that milestone you'll be one step closer to achieving  your goal.

Build Good Habits

Develop habits that support your goal. It'll be that much easier to make progress on your ultimate goal. You have to think, does the person I want to become do [insert habit]? If they do, then try to implement this habit into your daily life.

Get Support

It's easier to stay motivated when you have supportive and positive people around you. Another thing you can do is look for an online group all striving for the same goal as you! These people might be the perfect ones to motivate you to stay strong.

I hope you guys have a wonderful day/night!

-Melina xxx



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