melina's book club | #14

I'm back again with another book post. Once the weather starts to cool down, I tend to read a lot more. There's honestly nothing better than being snuggled up on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, reading a great book.

I've been trying really hard to stay away from the Christmas books. I have so many, and I try to reread them once a year. Knowing me I'll crack sometime this week.

But, enough chitchat, onto the actual post!

Like always, I like to give you guys a list of the books I'm currently reading, just in case you guys want to get your hands on them before I come up with my actual review months later. As always, you can click on the books covers and it'll take you to their Goodreads page, where you can get a summary and find out where you can get your own copy!

currently reading:

crazy rich asians   220px-DaVinciCode   414JfiBCutL._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_   similars   straight up love

I know. I read a lot of books at the same time. I don't know why, but I still haven't gotten around to finishing the DaVinci Code or Crazy Rich Asians. I've just been in the mood for some quick and easy reads, and those are not it!

Probably as the weather continues to cool down, I'll finish them up!

what i'm going to review today:

just one kiss     out of his league     the probability of miracles

the probability of miracles by wendy wunder  -★★★★

the probability of miracles

“Some people say you should pay attention to coincidence. It can show you your path. Besides, these coincidences are enough to keep people believing. To give them some hope.” -Wendy Wunder, The Probability of Miracles

This book was one I'm going to go right out and say that I didn't expect to like it. It doesn't really explain why I purchased it, but I did. I want to say I've had this book for at least a year, but I came back around to reading the back cover sometime this summer.

I was in a reading funk, and decided to give this book a try. All I have to say is that I'm so glad I did. The story follows Campbell aka Cam. She's spent the last few years in and out of hospitals and trying out obscure treatments. The last thing she wants to do is leave Florida to travel to a city in Maine that might not even exist.

Yet, that's exactly what she does. Her mother packs up their home, and forces her and her sister to go all the way to Promise, Maine. Promise is supposed to be a city where magical and unexplained things have happened.

Once they arrive there, Cam feels the magic. Not only does she feel the magic, but she feels that this place feels...special. There's the flamingos that don't leave even though it's freezing along the Atlantic Ocean coast, the boy, Asher, who's too good to be true, and she's left with a list of things she should do before she dies.

I don't want to give anything away, but this book really wowed me. Cam is sarcastic and has such an amazing dry sense of humor. I loved seeing her character develop throughout the story. The story is so beautifully written, and if you're looking for a good read, with great friendships, good family vibes, self-love, and hints of romance, this is the book for you. If you want to check this book out, you can here!

just one kiss by amelia whitmore - ★★

just one kiss

Even though you've probably seen the two stars above, I'm going to out right and say don't get your hopes up too much for this one. It wasn't necessarily that it was terrible.

I just feel that with all the amazing books there are out there, you shouldn't waste your time by reading this one. #sorrynotsorry

The story follows a girl named Anna. When she was in high school she was bullied, and so when she goes off to college, she is left with tons of insecurities.

Once there, she meets a boy named Braydon, who is a handsome athlete. This brings back all the insecurities from High School. Why would a guy like him be into a girl like her. 

She immediately friend-zones him. She promised herself that she wouldn't allow herself to fall in love again, and he was no exception. The thing is, that when she's with him, he brings out a side of her that she's never seen before. Someone who's confident and self-assured. The story continues to follow their romance story.

I can say right off the bat, that this book had all the potential to be a really cute cliche. One of the problems I had with this book is that Anna is extremely unlikable as a character. She doesn't really act like a college student. It would be much more believable if she was a young high school student. She's extremely immature, and this continues throughout the entire novel.

While she does become much more confident throughout the story, her narrative is extremely annoying and at times difficult to get through. While I love Braydon, I honestly don't recommend this book. You could do better.

out of his league by maggie dallen - ★★★

out of his league

Now this book is an example of a really cute cliche. It might be because I really like this kind of trope, but nonetheless, I still really enjoyed this one.

This story follows Veronica aka Ronnie. Back at her old school she was known as the tom-boy. None of the guys were interested in her, and it sucked.

Now that she's going to a new school, she has the chance to reinvent herself. She starts calling herself by her full name, buys lots of cute clothes, and starts wearing makeup. Everything was going to plan, until she finds out that her old crush, Drew Remi, goes to this school too.

He's the only one who can foil her plan and expose who she really is. Until, she realizes that he has no idea who she is. Even though she was wishing he didn't recognize her, why is she so disappointed when he doesn't?

I gotta say this book is a total cliche, but I loved every second of it. I really like "transformation" books. I honestly don't know what else to call it, but for my fellow cliche romance lovers, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. This book was so cute, and got me in all my feels.

If you want a cute quick read, then this is the book for you! If you want something with a bit more substance, then this book might not be fore you? Nonetheless, I recommend it! If you want to check it out, you can here!

So these are all the books I’m going to review today! If you haven’t kept up with the other books I’ve reviewed, you can check them out below:

melina’s book club pt. 13

melina’s book club #12

melina’s book club #11

melina’s book club #10

melina’s book club #9

If you guys didn’t know, you can check out all the books I’ve reviewed in 2019 on one page! Check it out. What have you been reading recently? Let me know! I'm always looking for new books to add to my TBR list. Thank you as always for reading. Have a wonderful day/night! Sending you love, strength, and positivity!

-Melina xxx

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  • Marie says:

    Okay so first things first: I ADORE YOUR NEW DESIGN MELINA! It looks amazing and I love this new font for your blog's name and titles so, so much. <3
    I'm so glad to see the probability of miracles in this post. I read this book so many years ago, yet I remember really enjoying it, I'm so, so happy that you did too! and I'll be looking forward to your thoughts on the similars, I've been wanting to read that book for a little while now 🙂

    • Melina Elisa says:

      omg, thank you so much! It took me a few months to look through so many blog layouts and find one that I really like for me! I'm glad to hear that you're just as obsessed as I am!
      I'll definitely let you know my thoughts as soon as I finish it 🙂 xxx
