Melina's Book Club | #20
Can you belive that it's been almost 2 months since I've updated you on any books I've been reading? I was in a bit of a reading slump in July, but got my groove back towards the end of August! I've been reading so much, that I've caught up on my Goodreads reading goal (my goal is to read 80 books in 2020)! If you ever want real-time updates on what I'm reading, I definitely recommend following me on there. I'm really good at updating that.
Enough chit chat, let's get into the books.
Currently Reading:
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So I've definitely been reading books from multiple different genres. I had read Iris Zero online a while back, and decided to support the author and buy all the books in kindle format! It's been really nice reading this manga. It's honestly just as good as I remembered it being.
Then, I was supposed to be reading The Nightingale for my book club for the month of August, but I honestly only got about 30 pages through. I'm finally getting around to reading it now, so I'll let you know my thoughts once I finish it.
The final book I'm "reading" is through Audible! I had some friends tell me that they have an easier time absorbing some information through an audio book, and so I decided to give it a shot with the book, "Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race". I can honestly say that if I was reading it as a book, it would take me about a month. In about 2-3 days, I'm halfway through! I definitely recommend giving audio books a try!
What I'm Reviewing Today:

Grift by Jason Mosberg - ★★★★

“Con” is short for “confidence game” or “confidence trick.” The term comes from the idea that you gain someone’s confidence in order to take advantage of them.”
Jason Mosberg, Grift
Now the moment I read the summary for this book, I knew that this was going to be a book that I fell in love with.
I'm a sucker for anything that's based on thieves, and so when I read that this book had to do with con artists, I was excited.
I definitely was not disappointed. The way that this was written was really good. It had to do with a group of teenagers that excelled in certain skills. There was a tech wiz, a master card counter, a pocket-picker, and a hustler.
Things were going great, until they weren't. Our main character, Piper, has a younger sister that gets kidnapped. With the help of her crew, they work together to rescue her.
This book has honestly everything you can want. It has a bit of action, drama, plot twists, and romance! You definitely are rooting for every single person on the team throughout the book.
The book was unexpected in a lot of ways, but in the most pleasant way possible. I wish the author creates another book to the series! This book reminds me a lot of "The Naturals" series, but without it being crime based?
I 100% recommend this book! You can get yourself a copy of this book here.
Fallen Crest High by Tijan - ★★★

“People don’t know what they’re made of until they’re tested. You need to pull yourself out of a situation and think of the collateral damages, if it’s worth it.”
Tijan, Fallen Crest High
Sam's mom has been cheating on her father, and the moment they became separated, she moves her and Sam into her new, rich, Fiance's house. Her Fiance has two sons, Mason & Logan. They're both around the same age as Sam.
Right off the bat, you find out that Sam's boyfriend has been cheating on her for the last two years, with her best friend. On top of that, her other best friend knew the whole time.
From this moment on, Sam comes to the conclusion that maybe some changes in her life might be good.
So while I enjoyed the book enough, this book is part of a 7 book series, and I honestly don't think that I'm going to continue the series. The book was kind of all over the place. There are a lot of characters to keep track of. Not only that, but there are also a lot of plots happening all at the same time as well.
Like I said, while the book wasn't bad by any means, I'm not going to continue the series. If you want to get yourself a copy of this book, you can check it out here (it's free)!
Breakaway by Catherine Gayle - ★★★★

"Panic attacks are crazy beasts. They don’t care what you think you’re ready for. They don’t care what you want. They just take control, and then you suffer."
Catherine Gayle, Breakaway
(TW: Rape) When Dana was in college, she had a traumatizing experience. Because of that she is left with constant panic attacks. Not only that, but no one can tough her without her completely freaking out.
How is she supposed to move on with her life, and she can't even let hold her hand? Finally it hit her, why not ask for help from Eric, her brother's childhood best friend. The only guy she trusted as much as her brother.
She goes to him with a proposition, help her move on with her past trauma. All he needs to do is start slow. Start with hand holding, then kissing, ending with...the bedroom stuff.
The book is honestly super cute. You get the book from both perspectives, which I always like if it's well done. You end up loving both characters, and seeing how much Eric cares for Dana. It's honestly just overall such a really good book. I 100% recommend. If you want to check out the book, you can get your hands on it here (also free)!
Pretty Reckless by Jodi Linton -

This story follows Laney, a sheriff. She is in need of some backup with a new case she's struggling to crack. In comes, her ex-boyfriend/Texas Ranger Gunner Wilson.
After shooting him in the ass with a bullet over a fit of jealousy, he's the last person she wants to work with. Over time, she realizes that she needs help from him more than she thought.
Now this is a cute lil' mystery/action romance. The ones where you have to figure out who did it. I like the easy way it's written. It's very simple to keep up with. Not only is the book extremely funny, but it's also has a great plot!
This was definitely a book I didn't expect to enjoy, but did. It's a super quick read, but overall I definitely recommend giving this a read! If you want to check it out, you can here.
So these are all the books I’m going to review today! I have to say that this was a great round of books. Sometimes I just get stuck talking about books that were all just awful. If you haven’t kept up with the other books I’ve reviewed, you can check them out below:
If you guys didn’t know, you can check out all the books I’ve reviewed in 2020 on one page! Check it out. I also have a page full of all the books I’ve ever reviewed.What have you been reading recently? Let me know! I’m always looking for new books to add to my TBR list. Thank you as always for reading. Have a wonderful day/night! Sending you love, strength, and positivity! xx

Have just discovered you too. Love the reviews. I too have just signed up for Audible and am making fast work of things that I may have taken a lot longer with. I have no idea how you manage to read so many books though 🙂 I'm not even at half that for this year yet.
While I definitely won't use audible for everything, I've been really enjoying it for "educational" books! I definitely speed through it much easier. People tell me that all the time, but I honestly go through phases. Sometimes I'm reading 3-5 books in a week, and then there's other months where I'll only read one! Thanks so much for reading and commenting 🙂 x
I've not long finished Why I'm No Longer Talking To White People and I thought it would take me ages but it actually didn't! Such a good read. So informative and really opened my eyes to a lot of things x
Yeah, while there are certain things I know on the topic from other books, I don't actually know much of the history of racial inequality in the UK! I honestly didn't know it was a huge issue like it is in the states. I'm glad you liked the book as much as I currently am. Thanks so much for reading and commenting xx
Ok this is off topic, but I read in a previous one of these posts that you were reading Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, did you finish it? And more importantly, did you like it?
I read it last year and I remember everyone was saying how spectacular it was but when I read it I was disappointed. It wasn't what I had expected I guess.
I'm always impressed with how many books you read! I think I'm sitting at around 9 books read so far for 2020.
omg, I was so embarrassed, because I was the one who wanted to read the book within my book club, and it honestly wasn't very good in my opinion! I think it was a little awkwardly written, and it took me wayy too long to get into the book itself. I think the last 100 pages or so were okay, but I don't think that I would recommend the book when there are so many better books to spend time reading instead! Everyone in my book club agreed that the book was only sub-par. I'm glad you agree as well. I was extremely disappointed with the book, and am confused as to why this book was so hyped.
Thanks so much! I love reading, it's honestly such an escape for me. You still have time to get some extra reading in! I hope you're doing well, miss our lil chats 🙂 xx
The main character drove me crazy!! She was stalking that random musician guy and it was sooo cringe worthy. I don't understand why it was on everyone's radar for so long haha
That's true, and now that we're heading into Fall & Winter there will probably be a lot more time for reading! I'm looking forward to curling up all winter by the fireplace with a book..
I miss our chats too!
She was really weird, and in my mind I kept thinking, people don't really act like this! Like we all know better. Idk it was okay, but definitely didn't deserve the hype at all.
haha at least I hope they don't act like that. Oh well, onto the next one!
Great recommendations, I really want to read Reni Eddo's book, heard a lot of great things about it!
🌿 Marissa Belle × 🌿
I'm really am enjoying it! If you do end up reading it, let me know your thoughts 🙂 Thanks so much for reading and commenting xx
Great selection! Thank you!
Thanks so much for reading and commenting! I hope you find something new to read xx
I love the variety of your reading! The Nightingale is excellent. Kristin Hannah is one of my favorite authors! <3
I try to read a little bit of everything! I'm such a book worm. I'm so glad to hear that you liked it! My best friend devoured the book in about a day! I still haven't gotten around to reading it, but I promise I'm working on it. Thanks so much for reading and commenting 🙂 xx