Melina's Book Club | #22
Since I didn't get to write one of these last month, I thought I would share with you some books I'm currently reading, while also reviewing some books I read already. Let's get into the latest Melina's book club!
Currently Reading:
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I actually got a lot of reading done since I last wrote a post, so the books I'm currently reading are completely different from the ones I mentioned last time! I'm "reading" So You Want to Talk About Race on Audible. It's been really great to get through informational book on there. Then when I'm stressed or need something to relieve my anxiety, I go through fluff pieces like the Alibi series by Gemma Halliday.
What I'm Reviewing Today:

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As always, If you're interested in a specific book, you can click on the cover, and it'll take you to that part of the post!
Love & Luck by Jenne Evans Welch - ★★★

“Labels aren't big enough for people. And once you try to categorize someone, you stop looking for who they actually are.”
Jenna Evans Welch, Love & Luck
I'm not exactly sure how I found this book? I think I got it last year at a Barnes and Noble sale. I actually bought this book, not realizing that this was a series.
They are technically standalone novels, but it's one of those books where they mention past characters from earlier books. There you would enjoy the book a little bit more if you had read the past one. I'm such a sucker for finding out what happens to past main characters that I love. Nonetheless, I enjoyed this book!
The story follows Addie, who's visiting Ireland to go to her Aunt's destination wedding. While there, she hopes that she can get distracted enough to stop thinking about the heartbreak she left back home. When Addie finds a guidebook for travelers in Ireland with a broken heart, she decides to try to stop at some of the places, even if it feels silly.
As always, things don't go as planned, and somehow Addie ends up in a small car with Ian, the brother who is not speaking to her, and a friend Ian has but has never heard of.
I didn't really know what to expect while I was reading the book, but I was pleasantly surprised. I'm such a sucker for self-discovery romances, and this book is no different. At the beginning you don't really know why her brother/best friend isn't speaking to her, but throughout the story, you see them start to rebuild their relationship.
I also really am a huge fan of Rowan, Ian's Irish friend. He has such a likable character, and you can't help but hope he gets together with Addie throughout the entire story.
My least favorite part of the book might have actually been the excerpts from the guidebook? While it was a cool addition, I couldn't help but skim through those parts so I can get to the actual part of the story.
It's definitely more on the fluffy side of reading, but I 100% recommend it if you're into those kinds of books.
The It Girl by Cecily Von Ziegesar - ★★★

“She was doing that thing some people do when they act nice and chipper and interested, while just below the surface they’re thinking really mean thoughts, and you can never call them on it because they’d just accuse you of being paranoid.”
Cecily Von Ziegesar, The It Girl
I actually read this book before watching the Gossip Girl series years ago. I had recently re-watched the series for the 3rd time, and decided to reread this booking, now knowing how Jenny Humphrey was portrayed in the show!
It's interesting reading it, because I have to almost consider this Jenny completely different from the Jenny on the show. The first reason is because they look completely different. I am talking, complete opposites. TV Jenny is tall, skinny, with bleach blonde hair. Book Jenny is short, curly haired brunette, with giant boobs!
Not only that, but their character traits also come across entirely different. Regardless, I really enjoy the show and I also really like the books.
Now the books are supposed to take place after Jenny leaves NY. She ends up in a boarding school in Connecticut. She knew that she got into a lot of trouble and drama in NYC, and she's more than happy to get a second chance at a first impression!
Of course she gets roomed with 3 of the most popular girls at school. Not only that, but she also starts getting the attention of a lot of the boys at school. Could things get any better? Or is she in store for more drama?
If you haven't watched/read Gossip Girl, then you don't know that there's always more drama in store for poor Jenny.
I honestly really like these books. They're really easy reads, with drama, and multiple perspectives. The thing with multiple perspectives is that you can like the majority of the points of view or you can hate the majority. While, there are some perspectives that I don't necessarily love, I can say that I like the majority of them!
If you like Gossip Girl the show, then you'll definitely like this book series.
To the Stars and Back by Camilla Isley - ★★★

“Two adults booking a room at the Peninsula? They’re not here to play Scrabble,"
Camilla Isley, To the Stars and Back
I originally read this book not realizing that this was part of a series. This is similar to the Love & Luck book. As I started reading the actual book, I had come to realize that I have actually read a few of Camilla Isley's books before! Not only had I read books by her before, but from this exact series.
Some of the books took place before this book, while others took place after the fact. It honestly didn't make things too different, but when you fall in love with a specific universe, it's nice to see reoccurring characters.
Now this book follows America's biggest star Christian Slate, and he's having more than a bit of trouble dating. Every woman he dates wants him for his fame, which has left him jaded.
Somehow he ends up in a closet with a woman who has no idea who he is. He loves the fact that he's getting the chance to get to know someone as himself, and not as "Christian Slate". Without telling her who he is, they continue to get to know eachother.
We all obviously know that keeping secrets is a recipe for disaster, and that's exactly what happens. Give this book a read to figure out what happens next!
These books are super cute fluffy reads. I like the fact that all the characters in her books have extremely different personalities, but they're all extremely likable!
They also have this reoccurring character (a bartender), and I'm waiting for the day that he gets his own love story! If you want something cute and quick to read, I definitely recommend this one, and all of her other books as well.
So, these are all the books I’m going to review today! I have to say that for the most part, this was a pretty good set of books! If you only read one book from this group, I definitely recommend reading Louder than Words! If you haven’t kept up with the other books I’ve reviewed, you can check them out below:
So, if you guys didn’t know, you can check out all the books I’ve reviewed in 2020 on one page! Check it out. I also have a page full of all the books I’ve ever reviewed.What have you been reading recently? Let me know! I’m always looking for new books to add to my TBR list. Thank you as always for reading. Have a wonderful day/night! Sending you love, strength, and positivity! xx
Lovely reviews, Melina! I've been curious about Jenna Evans Welch's books, I'm glad to know you enjoyed this one, it sounds like my kind of read for sure 🙂
I definitely think that it is definitely up your alley! If you do give this one or any of her other books a read, let me know what you think! Thanks for reading and commenting 🙂 x
Nice post!
Such an inspiration.
Diana- 5 Gifts For Your Girlfriend
thanks for reading and commenting !
I've wanted to read SYWTTAA for the longest time but I just haven't had the time to sit down and do so! Will definitely aim for it after Christmas!
✨ Marissa Belle × ✨
So far it's definitely a good read. Super informative, and I really like the way she narrates (like I said, I'm listening to the audiobook!). Thanks so much for reading and commenting 🙂 x
I read The It Girl series when I was in school, it is so nostalgic to me. Jenny is the polar opposite to how she appears in the series haha, I am interested to see what they do with the Gossip Girl reboot next year. So many great books here, I want to check out. Thanks for sharing xx
ALittleKiran | Bloglovin
I love rereading it for the exact reason you gave, it felt super nostalgic! I hope you enjoy reading some of the other books on this list. Thanks so much for reading and commenting 🙂 x