Melina's Book Club #29
It's been another 2 months since the last time I updated you on what I've been reading, but I honestly haven't done much reading lately! I've had such a full schedule that my reading has been kept to a minimum. If you want to read more about what I read in the past month, you can check it out here!
Currently Reading:

Anything You Do Say by Gillian McAllister | Deconstructed by Liz Talley
I haven't really made much progress in Deconstructed. I read about 20 pages, and have yet to continue reading in the last 2 months. Anything You Do Say, on the other hand is so good so far. I'm a little over 40% done at the moment, so that's exciting. At the moment I'm about 8-9 books behind my Goodreads reading goal, so I'm trying to see if I can start catching up a bit!
What I'm Reviewing Today:

Fall To You | All for This | Dating You /Hating You | The Wedding Date
Fall to You (Here and Now #2) by Lexi Ryan - ★★★

“Love doesn't go away just because you realize you can't be with someone”
-Lexi Ryan, Fall to You
This book continues where Lost in me left off. Now she has her memories and even more questions. She's stuck in the middle of two guys. Max & Nate. This book is written very similarly to the first one. It's filled with a lot of drama that makes you want to keep reading.
You're just so curious with her past with Nate, while you still root for Max and their potential.
All for this (Here and Now #3) by Lexi Ryan - ★★★

“Single and independent are words women use to make themselves feel better about being lonely and overwhelmed.”
Lexi Ryan, All for This
This book, again, leaves off where Fall to You ends. While Hanna remembers almost everything, there are still some cracks in her memory. By this point, Hanna honestly starts to annoy me. She's so back and forth with the men, and just can't make up her mind. I'm 100% on team Nate through most of it, even though I also find him to be a little bit of a selfish character.
By the end of this, I'm honestly ready for it to be over, and while it wasn't a bad book series by any means, I really felt like it dragged on a bit. Not only that, but there were a few scenes that I felt didn't really add to the story. Still a good book series, if you're looking for something quick to read and get through!
Dating You/ Hating You by Christina Lauren - ★★★ 1/2

“You look like you’re cycling through a lot of things right now.”
“Like what?”
“Like whether you should kiss me or punch me.”
“It’s a daily struggle.”
Christina Lauren, Dating You / Hating You
While this book wasn't anything particularly special, I'm always a fan of Christina Lauren's style of writing. It's a rom-com that follows Carter & Evie. They meet at a mutual friend's Halloween party, and hit it off immediately. Not only do their personalities mesh perfect, but they realize that they both work in the same industry. Which didn't matter until the two companies they work for decide to merge. Now they're both fighting for the same position, and all bets are off.
As most of Christina Lauren's books, her characters are fun and full of personality. It's a super quick read, and while the book cover completely turned me off, I'm glad I gave this book a chance. If you're craving a light fluffy rom-com, I 100% recommend you give this one a chance.
The Wedding Date (The Wedding Date #1) by Jasmine Guillory - ★

“Just because their standards are low does not mean that we should lower ours.”
Jasmine Guillory, The Wedding Date
This book was on many different Goodreads romance lists. After seeing it for the third time or so, I added it to my kindle. Right off the bat, I was completely unimpressed. The style of writing was a bit odd. It didn't really flow, and it felt really awkward to read.
About 10-15 pages in, it jumps into some smutty stuff, with no real sort of build up, it kind of just happened? I only got about 35 pages, before I had to stop. I 100% do not recommend this book. There are much better books out there, and I wouldn't waste my time on this one!
We’ve had a good mix of books in this review list today! If you haven’t kept up with the other books I’ve reviewed, you can check them out below:
So, if you guys didn’t know, you can check out all the books I’ve reviewed in 2022 on one page! Check it out. I also have a page full of all the books I’ve ever reviewed. What have you been reading recently? Let me know! I’m always looking for new books to add to my TBR list. Thank you as always for reading. Have a wonderful day/night! Sending you love, strength, and positivity! xx