melina's book club pt. 13

Hey, I'm back again to our monthly book club. I ended up reading lots of books! Some from my kindle app, some from my ibooks app, and some paperbacks! Overall, a pretty successful month in terms of books.

This is what I'm currently reading right now (yes, some books from last month, I still didn't finish):

crazy rich asians      220px-DaVinciCode    unquiet souls    91MQrh4Q3qL.jpg

books i’m going to review:

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Her Lifeline by L.A. Casey - ★★★


This book follows Erin and Ward. Erin has always had a crush on her older brother's best friend Ward. 11 years ago he disappeared from their lives, breaking Erin's trust in him. Her brother gets into a fatal car, which brings Ward back in town after all these years.

But he's not the same old Ward they all knew and loved, he's a billionaire entrepreneur. Erin isn't the same either. The young light-hearted little girl is now a grown up, running the house for her and Tommy, while working two jobs.

At first this book took me some getting used to because of the fact that their Scottish, and so you have to get used to the writing style. After that, the story sucks you in. I've never read this plot line before. There were plenty of plot twists, and yet still had a romance that also kept you entertained.

I really enjoyed this book, and if you want a cute romance novel to read, this is one to check out! You can check it out here!

Only You by Melanie Harlow - ★★★★


Now this is a book I didn't think I was going to love as much as I did. There was so much chemistry before the characters, and I loved the writing style of the author. I love dual perspective novels, and this one is no exception!

This book follows Nate & Emme. They've been living in the apartment across from each other for years now, and slowly have grown a close friendship. If one of them locks themselves out of each other's apartment, the other one has a spare key. If one has some extra leftover pizza, they offer the other with something to eat, etc.

While Emme has always found Nate attractive, she knew that they could never be together. He was constantly bringing a new girl over his apartment. Not only that, but they had complete opposite jobs. She was a wedding planner, bringing people together during some of the happiest times of their lives, while he was a divorce lawyer. Like I said, I completely loved this story. I recommend you all check this one out! If you want to grab yourself a copy, you can get it here!

I'm going to check out some of her other books for the future too!

So This is Love by Brooke St. James - ★★ 1/2


So this story follows Ash and Abigail. Abigail is a marine biologist and works for a company where they take care of fish. While she was working on a new client's pond, she meets Ash. She thought he was a gardener for the property, and becomes extremely embarrassed when she realizes she's actually speaking to the person renting the house for the summer!

While I did enjoy some of this story, I felt this story flowed weirdly? I like when things have a more natural progression, which I felt this one was lacking.

One thing that I noticed was the fact that they were both openly religious, which I only realized because most characters in the books I read aren't so open with their spirituality. It wasn't a bad or good thing, but it gave these characters something different that I don't normally read.

Nonetheless, this was definitely my least favorite book out of the three that I'm reviewing in this group. If you want to give this book a try, you can check it out for yourself here!

So these are the books I’m going to review today! If you haven’t kept up with the other books I’ve reviewed, you can check them out below:

melina’s book club #12

melina’s book club #11

melina’s book club #10

melina’s book club #9

melina’s book club pt. 8

If you guys didn’t know, you can check out all the books I’ve reviewed in 2019 on one page! Check it out. What have you been reading recently? Let me know! Thank you as always for reading. Means more than you’ll ever know. Have a wonderful day/night! Sending you love, strength, and positivity!

-Melina xxx

**Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. If you feel uncomfortable with this, simply search for the item yourself.**

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  • K.M. Sutton says:

    Such great books! I LOVE Crazy Rich Asians (and the sequels!) Can not wait to hear what you think! <3

    • Melina Elisa says:

      It's taken me forever to finish it (I'm only about 150 pages in). Sometimes when I'm in the mood to read, I want to read some cute quick fluff pieces, which is why it takes me so long to finish some books! I love it so far, but you'll definitely hear my thoughts as soon as I finish it! xxx
