Fridaze 021

Can you believe we're in February already? It's so strange, I feel like I blinked and we skipped over January. While I struggled a bit with my mental health, like I usually do around this time of the year, with all the excitement of dating someone new and keeping busy, I've managed it pretty well. Another Devil's Game I started...

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Melina's Book Club #28

I know I always take too long to update you guys on what I'm reading (I'm sorry, I promise!). That's exactly why I update you guys on what I'm reading through my Fridaze posts. It's a much more current and accurate update on what I'm reading! I sometimes get through 3-4 books a week, so updating that monthly was getting...

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Fridaze 020

Happy Friday, I'm proud to say that I've kept to my blogging schedule, and have posted twice this week! If you haven't read it yet, I chat about my thoughts on the Papier Hardcover Bullet Journal. I can't believe it's the end up January already. I know a lot of people have had a tough start to the year, but...

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Papier Dotted Notebook Review

While I've had this notebook for a little over 6 months, I don't know why it's taken me so long to write this post. Today we're going to be doing a Papier dotted notebook review! Now, I've reviewed a few other bullet journals throughout the years, and I think eventually I should do a bullet journal guide! There are so...

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Fridaze 019

It feels good to sit in front of my laptop, and share with you how my week's gone. It's been a while (my last Fridaze was in November)! While a lot has happened in the past month, most of them good (with the exception of getting Covid over the holidays), I've decided to stick to more recent current events. Grab...

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2021 Recap.

It's been over a month since I've posted. I was going back and forth for a while, deciding whether I should post like normal. But it's a new year, and I've wanted to do a lil' chitchat talking about 2021. The year had a lot of highs and lows, but it was overall much better than 2020. Even now, two...

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I was hacked.

I literally posted my 5 year blogging anniversary, and then disappeared. Long story short, my website was hacked. I don't know if any of you noticed, but after realizing something was acting up with my site, I contacted my host, and they said that "I" switched hosts. Not only was my site hacked, but someone tried to steal my site...

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5 Years of Blogging!

I can't believe I'm hitting my 5 year anniversary of blogging. This blog has been though hundreds of posts, thousands of words, and a handful of relationships. I've made amazing friends on here that I'm so grateful for. To be honest, I thought I would have stopped blogging years ago, so to see me hit this milestone, is something I'm...

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Fridaze 018

I completely forgot that it was Friday, and once I realized it was already really late at work, and I didn't have the time to finish the Fridaze post in time. While I thought about skipping this week, I honestly enjoy writing about my week. It's nice to write about the highs and lows. Even though this week was pretty...

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left disappointed.

I'm left disappointed, yet again. I tried to keep my walls high, and hold him an arm's length away, but somehow he got past my defenses. When I thought I made a genuine connection, I got my hopes up, only for it not to work in my favor. In the end, I wanted him to make more of an effort....

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