Today I'm sharing with you my all time favorite beauty products as of 2020! While a few things didn't change from the year 2019, I thought it could be fun to share them with you anyways. Enjoy! All Time Beauty Favorites 2019: https://www.melinaelisa.com/all-time-...​ I know I've been away for a little while now, but I've been going through some personal...

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5 TV Shows you should check out!

It's funny that throughout this entire pandemic, I binged so many series, I can't even keep track of them all. And even though I've watched more tv than ever before, I haven't written a post sharing with you my favorites! Today I wanted to share with you 5 Tv shows you should check out. While you may have heard of...

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Recent Videogames I recommend!

I went through so many phases during this pandemic. I did the puzzles and got better at cooking. I kept on with the hobbies I've always loved like reading, painting, and playing videogames. I have to say, that while I've always played videogames, I play in phases. There are times where I play multiple times a week, and other times...

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Melina's Book Club | #24

These might be one of my favorites posts to do on my blog! There's just something about sharing the books that you're reading, enjoying or hating on, so let's get into it! Currently Reading: I honestly didn't get much reading done in February. I did up finishing The Martian, which I really enjoyed, and finished another fluff read! I've been...

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Dear Diary 018 [Getting my life back, nice weather, and hope]

I feel like I'm constantly updating you with what's going on in my life. While I share lil' tidbits here and there, I actually haven't written a dear diary post since January! As you all know February was extremely difficult for me. I ended up taking a step back from my blog and from Youtube. Nice Weather The past two...

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After not making a video in quite a while, I'm proud to announce that I'm back with another video! Today I'm talking all things sustainable! I have actually make a few blog posts about this topic, because it's been something that I've been pretty passionate about lately! I thought I would make a video for those people who are not...

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Posts I'm Lovin' | 33

While I did not write almost any posts in the month of February, there were so many posts that really did a great job at putting words to how I've been feeling lately. I wanted to share with you some of my favorite posts as of late, so let's get into it! How to Journal to Capture Life's Little Joys...

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My mom asked me...

I was talking to my mom, and told her, "I can't wait for things to be normal, I'm just so sick of this whole pandemic." My mom then asked me, "What do you want to do once things go back to normal?". At first, I was offended by this question. I didn't understand what she meant by that. What do...

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Gratitude in February | 2021

I usually make this post the first thing I share with you every month, but since I disappeared for a bit, I want to tell you guys where I've been. Even though February wasn't the best for me, there are always things to be grateful for, so let's get into it! Peaky Blinders - Season 1 I was looking for...

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so I've been gone...

I didn't expect to be gone for all of February. It kind of just happened... Well, that's not completely true. I was working with terrible writer's block, and overall just feeling uninspired. Then, my mental health hit rock bottom. There's been lots of lows throughout this entire pandemic, but almost hitting the one year mark, has been extremely difficult. I'm...

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