Showing Gratitude | September 2020

Well, this month not only went much quicker than expected, but it was also a lot better than I thought it was going to be! While the temperatures have definitely cooled down a bit, we're still getting pretty warm weather around here. I would say we're ending September averaging about 70°'s (21°C) right now, which is not bad at all!...

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Melina's Book Club | #20

Can you belive that it's been almost 2 months since I've updated you on any books I've been reading? I was in a bit of a reading slump in July, but got my groove back towards the end of August! I've been reading so much, that I've caught up on my Goodreads reading goal (my goal is to read 80...

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Summer Favorites | 2020

I'm actually super excited to write one of these. It's been a while since I've shared with you all my summer favorites! Since Fall officially started this week, I'm pretty proud of myself for not being late this time! So let's get right into it. Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette So this is something I've owned for years. I would...

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The magic of eight letters, three words.

There's something magical about the words, "I miss you". Almost even more so than, "I love you". I could be in the worst mood, and yet, if I receive a text or phone call from someone telling me those words, or something along those lines, my day is instantly brightened. In a world where we are constantly busy in our...

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Curology Review & Overall Experience (Would I recommend?)

Hey guys! How are you all doing? A few months ago, I introduced something new to my skincare routine, and signed up to a Curology subscription! Today, I'm going to give you a Curology review, and talk to you about my overall experience with the products, and the process as a whole. What is Curology? Some of you may be...

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Dear Diary 014 [summer's over, going back to therapy, & redecorating my room]

We're already half-way through September, and I'm not completely sure how I feel about it. The temperature is starting to cool down at night, which are the first signs of the fall and winter months. As someone who struggles with mental health, I definitely thrive in the sun. I love the changing of the seasons, but in the same breathe,...

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Favorite Youtubers 004

So after posting once a week for about a month in a half, I have finally found a new writing schedule that works for me! It seems like I'm back to our regularly scheduled content. I was going through old posts for inspiration, and have realized that while I have been watching a lot of YouTube, I haven't made a...

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Post I'm Lovin' | 28

So I'm back again, and I think I've got my blogging flow back. I'm going to attempt to go back to 2 posts a week! I found a new blogging schedule that I think will work better with my current life situation. Today I'm going to talk about posts I'm lovin' in the last month or so! Let's get right...

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showing gratitude | august 2020

I feel like I just wrote one of these. It definitely has to do with the fact that not only did I write last month's post late, but since I'm only post once a week as of now, the weeks are going by extremely quickly! I honestly can't believe we're in September already? Where did the time go? Today, I'm...

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Quality vs. Quantity in Friendships

Growing up as a people pleaser, I wanted everyone to like me. I thought if I acted a certain way, I would win anyone over. I carried on with this sentiment for much longer than I should have. During high school, I had friends from all different types of cliques. I thought it was cool to have all these different...

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