showing gratitude | July 2020

Hey guys! I know I stopped doing these for a few months, but I'm back again, showing some gratitude for all the good in my life from the last month. I think it's especially important to be grateful during times where it's difficult to stay positive. Let's get into all the good things that happened during the month of July!...

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enjoying the reminder to slow down.

When I first went to Europe a few years back, I spent a week in Paris. To be honest, I've always considered Paris to be completely overrated. Then one of my best friends, who had similar thoughts as me, ended up going and fell in love. I think the way she spoke about the city made me want to go,...

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Posts I'm Lovin' | 27

Hey guys, I've been taking it a bit easy, and only posting once a week. I've been stuck in a bit of a rut, and have crazy writer's block. Just because I can't think of something interesting to write, doesn't mean that I haven't read some amazing posts over the course of the month! So let's get right into it....

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Adult Fiction Books written by Black Authors!

Just because your social media feeds are starting to go back to normal, does not mean that I am going to stop sharing with you things created by black creators! Today I'm going to share with you some adult fiction books written by black authors. If you haven't read some of the other posts I've written during this series, you...

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Summer Activities you can do safely while Social Distancing!

While we are still in the middle of a pandemic, it doesn't mean that you can't have a little fun! Here are a few ideas of things you can do while still social distancing safely. Camping This is not only a great activity to do during a normal summer, but it's even better when you're trying to social distance! While...

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How I've been surviving Quarantine

If you guys aren't from the US, you might not know that in terms of dealing with the Coronavirus, we're seriously failing. While certain things are opening up, I've still been staying home for the most part. With the exception of going to work, I've been predominantly been home since the end of March. It's kind of crazy to think...

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Melina's Book Club | #19

Hey guys, how are you all doing? I hope you're doing well. It's been two months since I've done a book club update. Instead I made a post full of Young Adult Literature books written by Black authors, so definitely check that out. So let's get into what I'm reading! Currently Reading: -- -- -- -- -- -- So since...

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Trying on shorts from last summer.

This past week has been quite self-reflective. Growing up I was always petite and small. It wasn't until I was in around high school, that I started to feel self-conscious about my weight. Two of my close friends at the time were fairly thin. Whenever we took pictures together I felt like the "fat" friend of the group. There was...

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posts i'm lovin 26

After a very long month of learning and trying to make a positive difference, I'm trying to find the balance between our old normal and my current present. I definitely want to go back to writing some of my old content, while making sure I still continue to educate my readers. Today, I'm going back to an old series I've...

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