Spring Favorites | 2020

Instead of creating a winter favorites, I decided to mesh my Winter & Spring favorites together in one post! Since we've been in quarantine for most of Spring, I just think it made sense to put them both together. Let's get right into it. Now I know from the first few songs, these playlists look extremely similar, but I promise...

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i took an unexpected break, but I'm back.

Has it really been almost 3 weeks since I've made a post? It sure doesn't feel like that long. My life has been going a mile a minute, and I finally have the chance to focus on myself and breathe. I wasn't expecting to stop writing posts, it kind of just happened from events happening in my life. I'm sure...

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Latest Podcast Favorites 003

Looking for a list of Podcasts to listen to? In this post I share 3 of my current favorite podcasts. Keep reading to discover some amazing podcasts.

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Posts I'm loving | #24

Hey guys, I've been trying to keep a regular schedule with this whole thing going on. There's been so much impacted in our daily lives, and so I thought I would try to keep a bit of normalcy on my blog. I've honestly been feeling pretty sick since Sunday, and so haven't been able to go to work. I honestly...

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showing gratitude | march 2020

I wasn't sure whether I wanted to write this post. With all that's going on in the world, I was going to skip this month. Then I thought, that it's moments like these where you have to be extra grateful. When you have to look at the world with a glass half full. Let's show some gratitude & get right...

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5 Video Games you should give a try!

Since I've been in quarantine, one of the things I've been doing a lot of is, play video games. As a long time gamer, I've given all types of games a try. There are a few that have got me obsessed, and as of now these are 5 video games I definitely think you should try out! Let's get right...

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dear diary 010 [my break, Coronavirus, London, & Animal Crossing]

dear diary, So you haven't heard from me in almost a month. It honestly doesn't feel that long. In the same breath, I would say it's been a while. This month has been crazy. I was in charge at work the first week of March, and flew to London for vacation the week afterwards. I come back to the US,...

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posts I'm loving | #23

Hello everybody, I'm back! I was away in England for the past week, and decided not to upload any content. Since we all have so much time on our hands because of the Coronavirus, this would be the perfect time to share with you all the posts I'm loving recently! So let's get right into it. I'm not a niche...

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Are bloggers the only ones who read blog posts?

A thought popped into my head the other day as I was laying in bed. Are bloggers the only ones who read blog posts? I never really thought about it before. While I have considered where my readers come from, I never stopped to think that the majority of my readers are bloggers. Before I had a blog, I almost...

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