Fridaze 074

Happy Friday and Happy Fridaze! Who am I? Posting multiple times over this month? It’s almost like I’m actually keeping to my schedule. Okay, Okay, enough joking around, I’m actually pretty proud of myself for finding the time to get back into blogging! This past week was the perfect mix of busy and chill, so grab your favorite drink (coffee,...

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10 best purchases I've made in my 20s

I turned 30 recently. I will never forget watching a YouTube video by Elena Taber talking about the best purchases she's ever made. It was an interesting topic. Living in the materialistic society we do, the idea of being able to point out the best purchases ever made was a super fun idea. And so I've waited a few more...

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Fridaze 073

Hey guys, I don't know how the summer's been flying on by, but it has! Totally random, but I was looking at my blog drafts, and realized that I didn't actually ever finish my favorite books of 2023 posts, which is super embarrassing, because I really thought I posted them all? I don't know whether to post them late, or...

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What I read in June 2024

two red and white labeled books

Hey guys, I can't believe we're already in July. Normally I have a bit more time into the month before writing this, but since yesterday was the first day in July, I had to rush and finish writing this one. I got back from my trip on Sunday, and got quite a bit of reading done while I was away....

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Fridaze 072

Happy Friday and happy Fridaze! I didn't post my what I read this post on Tuesday, but it was because it was my birthday! I was deciding whether to finish my reading post or post my Fridaze. I decided to try to do both today, but start with my Fridaze! Let's chat what I've been up to this past week....

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Fridaze 071

Happy Friday, happy Fridaze and happy June! While I personally think I did a pretty good job posting in the month of May, I did fall off towards the end. We've had a busy few weeks at work, and I haven't had the time. I also have been staying really consistent with working out throughout the month (yay for me!)....

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Buying Ban


I'm speaking a bit about this on my newsletter coming out next week (I would suggest signing up if you're not signed up already, I only send out 2 emails a month! Once in the beginning and once in the middle of the month), but I think I would feel more accountable if I also shared it on here. I...

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Fridaze 070

Happy Fridaze! I'm pretty proud to be getting this to you on my "normal" schedule. I say this, but I haven't kept to a schedule very well for the past two months. Libby I'm surprised to see that I've never really spoke about Libby. I saw a Youtube video about it, and one of my friends suggested I get on...

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What I read in April 2024

selective focus photography of white softbound book

I'm honestly a little embarrassed to write this month's post, because I read so many books. Much more than usual. I never realize I read this much until it gets to the point to write this post. If you make it to the end, you are the best! Let's jump straight into it, because it's a bit of a long...

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Fridaze 069

Happy Fridaze! I've missed chatting with you all. I don't have a good excuse except for the fact that life got ahead of me. With the exception of changing my site's logo, I haven't really done anything relating to my blog recently. Today, I did have the chance to go read all of my friend's blogs and do a huge...

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