3 years of blogging!

I can't believe that I've hit this milestone of blogging. While three years feels like forever, at the same time, I can't believe it's been so long! I have written 330 posts (not including the ones that went up this week) and have had over 35,000 views. When I started blogging, I made so many blogging friends, and while not...

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showing gratitude from november | 2019

It's the time of the month where I write about all the good that happened in November! November was an exciting month. I feel like time went so quickly, and I can't believe that we're here in December! Let's get right into it! halloween party The second of November, I spent it by throwing a Halloween Party! It was the...

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my bullet journal for 2020.

So if you guys read my post last week, or was it two weeks ago? Well I wrote about the fact that I bought a moleskin notebook for my bullet journal next year, and I absolutely hated it. At first, I didn't want to be wasteful and was going to use it anyways, but after much deliberation, I realized if...

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i changed my blog's theme!

If you have been following from the beginning, you would know that I have changed my theme about three times since first starting this blog. The first time I changed it was almost immediately after starting the blog, so for those of you that have stuck around since the beginning, you would know that it was alright, but I based...

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my clothing store is having it's first sale!

I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving. I spent yesterday with my family. My grandma came from Dominican Republic, and we all went to my aunt's house. It's always nice to get together around the holidays and catch up. Of course because some of my family lives in other parts of the country/world we can't all get together, but...

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my site's been down.

From reading the title, you would know by now that my site's been down for the past 2 days on and off. I actually didn't find out until late Friday night. I chatted with Bluehost support for about 20 minutes, and they told me my site was back up and running. I didn't realize it until last Tuesday, but while...

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I have to see things through.

Growing up, I've always been someone who had to see things through til the end. Even if I hated a book or movie, I had to finish it. I had to see how it ended. I had this weird worry that if I stopped reading or watching, there was a possibility that it could get better, and I would miss...

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melina's book club | #14

I'm back again with another book post. Once the weather starts to cool down, I tend to read a lot more. There's honestly nothing better than being snuggled up on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, reading a great book. I've been trying really hard to stay away from the Christmas books. I have so many, and I try to...

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do i have an online persona?

I was watching some YouTube videos, and I came upon one that talked about the fact that a lot of online personalities have a persona or a character they play and show off to people online. Then when you actually meet these people in real life, they're someone completely different. It made me think. Do I have an online persona?...

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