we are so hard on ourselves.

Why are we so hard on ourselves? We are patient and kind when it comes to our friends and family, but the moment we are having trouble with anything, or, god forbid, something we create is less than perfect, we could be borderline cruel to ourselves. Is it because we know ourselves best, and expect perfection? Or maybe is it...

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10 things i can't live without

Hey guys, a while back I wrote up a whole bunch of drafts for blog posts, and I never got around to writing a lot of them. Now that I'm having a bit of writer's block, I decided to look back on some of them and write some of them up! I thought this was an interesting idea, and I...

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dear diary, #4

I have to say while I find these posts to be extremely therapeutic, writing this one made me a little bit anxious. A lot has happened since the last time I wrote one. Well, it's not actually true. Not a lot happened, but something extremely significant happened to me. My relationship of almost a year ended. I don't really want...

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posts i’ve been loving | #15

The weather's been so on and off these past few weeks, it's crazy! About two weeks ago it was perfectly warm and sunny, and right now it's been raining a lot, a bit of humidity, and has been chilly on some occasions! While I normally do these posts later in the month, I decided to share with you my favorite...

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what i was grateful for in april | 2019

I love gratitude posts, it reminds of all the good in my life. It's especially good when I'm feeling the way I am now. I've had some personal issues going on in my life, and so this post is exactly what I need right now. I need of a reminder of everything that I should appreciate in my life. Instead...

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Favorite YouTuber's #3

Hey guys, how are you all doing? I've been pretty down if I'm being honest, so I didn't really know what I was going to post today. I didn't even know if I was going to post anything. I didn't really want to mope today, and felt that one of the best ways to take my mind off of things...

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favorite bullet journal spreads so far... | 2019

Hey guys, I haven't really been posting much about my bullet journal this year. I really felt like my spreads have been pretty minimal, and not overly elaborate. There have been some spreads and layouts that I've really enjoyed this year! I thought I would make this post to share with you some of my favorites so far!   So...

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melina's book club #10

Hey guys! How are you today? Welcome back to April's book club post. If you didn't know this, I write one of these monthly! I've read so many books, and I'm so behind, that I don't know whether I should add some extra book posts in between these book club posts. For now, I'll keep doing these monthly! Would any...

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dear diary, #3

I've been really like these informal just sit down and type what comes to mind type of posts. I mean I think I have a very "conversational" style of blogging in general, but these posts are so much less organized than my ordinary posts. I feel like the last two months have just been flying by. I've been reading a...

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best affordable makeup brushes!

It's been a while since I talked anything beauty. The last time I wrote a beauty post was all the way back in October! I'm so obsessed with makeup, and yet I don't talk about it much on here. I decided to change that a bit, and add a bit more beauty posts on my blog. Today, I'm going to...

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