5 posts i've been loving | #14

Hey guys, I'm back again, sharing some of my favorite posts. These posts have just spoken to me in some way or another. If you're ever looking for something new to read, I definitely recommend you check out this post or look at the rest of the ones I've made in this series! So let's get right into it! friendships...

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it’s important to love ourselves.

This is a tough topic for me. It hits extremely close to home. Believe it or not, there was a time in my life where I didn't love myself very much. I would go as far and say that I didn't like myself at all. Now, this was before social media was very big, and while there wasn't that online...

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what i was grateful for in march. |2019

Here we are in the fourth month of the year, and all I can think about is where has the time gone? I've been busy working out, planning my trips for the next few months, spending time with friends and family, and working out the details for my latest surprise (which I still can't tell you about unfortunately). March was a...

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i am my own worst critic.

I can stare at a photo that was just taken of me, and can instantly tell you at least three things I don't like about myself in the photo. I am my own worst critic. I don't know if I was always this way...actually I know for a fact that I wasn't. I used to hate having my photo taken....

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melina's book club #9

Hey guys! How are you this beautiful spring day? I've been loving the weather recently! I honestly am counting the days til summer comes, and so this warmer weather has literally been something I've been waiting for. It's been also doing wonders for my mood! Am I the only one who feels much more motivated and happy when the weather's...

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Workout Journey Update | March 2019

Wow, I was looking back to the last time I wrote one of these...since 2017. It's been a little less than two years since the last workout update. I'll be honest, I thought a lot about updating you guys more often, the problem was, that I wasn't really always that consistent. I'd have months where I would work out 2-3...

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Dear Diary, #2

mercury retrograde. I have to say the Mercury Retrograde is fucking with me. I know a lot of you don't believe in astrology, but I wholeheartedly do. I feel like whenever there's a Mercury Retrograde, I overthink life. Now, I know what you're thinking "melina, you always overthink everything", and you're not wrong by thinking that. I just feel like...

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3 posts i’ve been lovin’ recently | episode 13

Hey guys, how are you all doing? I'm still in awe that it's already March. It's been warm and then snowing, so the weather's been a little bit all over the place. I still have a giveaway going on where you can potentially win a $100 gift card for a Jord watch. Go and check out the post to enter!...

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winter favorites! | 2019

Hey guys, how are you all doing? I hope you missed me! If you noticed (or maybe you didn't), I ended up not posting on Tuesday. I went to this business/finance event with my mom on Tuesday, and it ended up taking way more time that I thought! I didn't even end up going to the gym that day. Not only...

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what i was grateful for in february | 2019

Wow, did February go by quickly or what? I feel like It was January yesterday! But here we are on the first day of March, which means Spring, and hopefully Summer soon afterwards. With the way that global warming has been, I think we could expect some warm weather soon. So if you guys remember correctly, January was a terrible...

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