Neutrogena Red & Blue Light Therapy Pen Review!

Hey guys, it's been a little while since I've written a skincare product review! I honestly love trying out new products, and this time around I was lucky enough to be sent this Light Therapy Pen by Neutrogena*. I have to say when I heard about this product I was more than intrigued. This product is an innovative way to...

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The Good of failed Relationships.

In light of Ariana Grande's new song "Thank You, Next", which I've been completely obsessed with, I've decided to talk about failed relationships. When a relationship first ends, it's so easy to think about all the pain and hurt that has come from that failed relationship. Regardless if it's a friendship or a romantic relationship, or whether you guys ended...

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Things I was grateful for in October | 2018

Hey guys! I know I say this almost every month, but damn, October has honestly flown by. 2018 is almost over! I can't believe it! Where has the time gone? I have to say that while October has gone by extremely quickly, I am pleased to say that I had an AMAZING month. Let's get right into it! Went to...

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Maybe I'm not Shy?

Growing up, I thought I was the shy girl. I was nervous in front of crowds, and if I was a group of people I wasn't comfortable with, I would get really quiet. The first thing I decided to do was look up what the actual definition for a shy person was. According to, someone who is shy is...

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My Favorite YouTubers Pt. 2!

Hey guys, I've been watching a lot of YouTube recently, and I realized that it's been over a year since I talked about my favorite YouTubers! While there are a lot of them that are still the same, I thought I would share some more of my favorites! So, let's get right into it. Tristan Paredes  Now, my sister has...

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Favorite Apps for Instagram!

Hi guys, how are you doing, I hope you're having a wonderful day so far! I actually have been wanting to do this post for a while, but at the same time I felt like there were so many posts like this lying around on the internet, that mine wouldn't be interesting to you guys? I decided to stop comparing...

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Melina's Book Club Pt. 5

So I changed the name of the series, I can do that, right? I just didn't really like the long name, and I just wanted something that had a better ring to it! I still have loads of books to catch you up on, so let's just jump into it, because I know these posts are always pretty long. Just...

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The Pressure to Find...Someone.

Hey guys! How are you? I can't believe that October is almost over, I feel like we breezed right through it. I gotta say that this week has definitely dragged on a bit though. I've had this thought on my mind for a while, and this Wednesday, when I had a dinner date with my best friend, Erika, we talked...

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I thought I was unworthy of being loved.

This is a tough one to confess, but here goes nothing... I thought I was unworthy of being loved. Growing up I was a sucker for romantic novels. I would read those stories, and wonder if I was ever going to get a happy ending just like the books. At the end of the day, I'm a realist, and I...

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5 Posts I've Been Lovin' Recently | Episode 9

Whenever it's time to write another one of these, I'm always so surprised, because I feel like I just wrote one of these posts. Time has been flying so quickly, and Halloween will be here before you know it! I'm already planning my costumes for Halloween, and I'm beyond excited. Do you guys know what you're going to be for...

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