What I've been reading Pt. 4

Hey guys! How are you going?! I'm so excited to say I'm back with another book post! I don't know why I take so much time to write one of these posts. I have read over 10 books since the last time I wrote "Books I've been Reading pt. 3". Don't worry, I'm not going to talk about all those...

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Did I find the best sunscreen ever?

I never thought I would find the day where I would write a post about a sunscreen product I love. I normally hate facial sunscreen. It's usually so thick and feels super heavy. It leaves a white-cast, and makes makeup look terrible. Recently I got sent the Hydro Boost Sunscreen from Neutrogena. Now I typically like Neutrogena for their inexpensive...

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Why do us girls follow relationship rules?

Ever since I was old enough to read Seventeen magazine, I read all about the tips and tricks in order to have a successful relationship. "How to get the guy of your dream", "Tips and Tricks to Make a Boy Like You", "5 Things Not to do, so You Don't Scare Him Off!". Yes, these are actual titles of magazines articles that I...

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Why is it so hard to sell ourselves?

I've always had trouble selling myself to others. I always felt like I was...bragging? At the same time, I would always think in my head that if I did try to sell myself, I was, overselling? Like, "what if I'm not as hard of a worker as I think I am?". It's kind of hard to me to gauge how...

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3 Posts I’ve been Lovin’ Right Now | Episode 8

Hey guys! I know I skipped Tuesday's post, and am posting this later than usual. This transition to fall weather has been a little tough for me. It's been raining everyday, and I've just been in this weird unmotivational funk. I've been trying to  fight it, and so I'm going to publish this post, even though it's later than usual,...

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What I got at the Sephora VIB & Rouge Sale!

Hi guys, I know I've been slacking on posting at the time I usually do, but I really prefer to post when I'm completely happy with a post, even if it does delay the post by a few hours/ a day. As most of you know, last week was the Sephora VIB & VIB  Rouge sale! I didn't really make...

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What I was Grateful for in August! | 2018

Wow, Summer is officially over! I can't believe how fast this year went. I had such an amazing time this past summer and made so many wonderful memories. While looking through my August memories spread in my bullet journal, I was surprised by everything that has happened this past month! Let's get right into it. Spent a weekend in Connecticut...

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Vivo Per Lei - Vivo Dead Sea Collection Review! [+GIVEAWAY]

Hi guys! You must be wondering, what are you doing writing on a Friday? Or maybe you don't notice my normal blogging schedule. What ended up happening was that I was supposed to have this post live yesterday, but I wanted to make sure I was 100% happy with it before uploading it. Today, I'm here to share with you...

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Second Chances are Okay, but What About Third or Fourths?

Hey guys, I'm so glad you enjoyed reading my last post (and if you didn't read it, you can click here to catch up)! I love when you guys are so responsive with posts that are personal to me and my life. It makes me feel all warm and tingly inside, like you wouldn't imagine how much it makes my day. It's...

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Life is about second chances...right?

I find myself to be a very forgiving person. It’s typical in my nature, so most of the time I try to give people second chances. There have been moments in my life though, where I’ve had to put myself first, and decide that it was in my best interest to move on, and not have that person in my...

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