Younique Eyeliner & Epic Mascara Review.

Hey guys, I'm back again! I know what you're thinking, two beauty reviews in one week, even one month!? This week's been a little hectic this month, and sometimes it's just easier to write out some nice lighthearted beauty posts verses some of the more personal stuff. My friend became a presenter for Younique, and she wanted to send me...

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Makeup I've been Impressed by! | Summer 2018

Hey guys, can you believe it's already mid-August!? Where has the time flown? Before we know it summer's going to be over, and it's going to be fall. While I'm sad for the summer to go away, I'm also quite excited to start doing fall activities. Today I'm going to talk about makeup I've been impressed with lately! There's been...

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Sharing the Love: Favorite Blogs At the Moment Pt. 5

Hey guys, I'm back again with another post about my favorite bloggers. I know I do a series about posts I've loved throughout the month, and if you haven't read them, you can read my most recent one here! This post is dedicated to highlight a few select bloggers where I always love all their content. Not only is their...

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3 Posts I've been Lovin' Right Now | Episode 7

Hey guys, I hope you had an amazing weekend, I'm back again with my favorite posts that I've loved through the month. As always, there was so much talent in terms of great posts. I don't know if you know this or not, but on average I read between 5-10 posts a day, and so it gets extremely tough on just choosing...

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Things I was Grateful for in July.

Wow, I can't believe that July is officially over. July went even quicker than June did. I can't believe we're basically 2/3 of the way done with summer! Where does the time go? I have to say that this summer might be one of the best summers I've ever had (wow, am I actually making a claim like that?!). No but...

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My Vacation Essentials!

heyyitsmelina melina elisa blog

Hey guys! Today, I'm especially excited to share this post with you, because I've been working on it for the past two weeks! The company, PrettyLittleThing*, wanted to know if I wanted to work with them, and show you a few pieces from their vacation collection, and of course I said yes! I've purchased a few cute dresses and such...

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Life isn't a Race.

Life isn't a race. I've mentioned this before, but when I was younger, I had my whole life planned out (at least I thought I did?). Those plans weren't very realistic or actually what I would even want for myself at this point in time. Being in my mid-20's, I find that it's a weird stage in life. Some people...

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The Reality of Instagram.

Recently, I've been upping my Instagram game. I've been putting more effort into taking beautiful pictures at beautiful locations. I've always try to do something exciting on a weekly basis, but I've been trying to take more pictures of everything I do. I've been quite proud of what my Instagram page has become. While I appreciate every single new follow...

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Fave Instagram Profiles!

Hi guys, I've been thinking about doing this type of segment for a lil while now. I wrote a whole post about me being picky about who I follow on social media, and trust me, I am! At the same time, there are loads of profiles that I absolutely love. I decided to create a lil' series where I shared...

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Herstyler Straighter & Accessory Review (+GIVEAWAY).

Hey guys I'm back again! Today I'm going to talk about these products I received from Herstyler*. First, I want to give a huge thank you to Herstyler for sending me these products, I feel beyond blessed. As always, just because I receive these products for free, doesn't mean that it changes my opinion on the products. Let's get right...

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