What's worse than writer's block?

I've been having an issue the last few weeks. It's a little bit odd, and I don't know if any of you guys have this issue. Most of the time, when I get an idea, I'm so excited to get to my computer and start writing. Recently, I would have an idea, and for whatever reason, I wouldn't have the...

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What kind of influencer do I want to be?

I've been thinking about this a lot recently. Certain things have been going on with mainstream media that have made me ask myself, "what kind of influencer do I want to be?". I want to be that person that you can relate to. I want to share my life, my experiences, and my advice with all of you, and make...

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Games I Play on my Phone/Pad

If you ask any of my friends, I love playing games on my phone. Not only does it relieve anxiety, but they're a fun way to pass the time! I've always been a pretty avid game player, and recently I have been so busy that I haven't really set aside time to play my Xbox. It's super convenient to have...

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3 Posts I'm Lovin' Right Now | Episode 4

I'm back again to share with you what posts I've loved throughout the month. As I mentioned before, these have become one of my favorite posts to write. I honestly read so many posts, that sometimes it's hard to choose which ones to share with you! If you haven’t read the other three posts in this series, you can check...

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Neutrogena Gel Mask Reviews.

I'm always on the lookout for a new face mask. Whenever my skin needs a lil extra somethin' somethin', I always look to see what kind of face mask I can use in order to give me the quick fix I need. I was lucky enough to be sent the Neutrogena Gel Masks, by Brandbacker,  so thank you for that....

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Latest Podcast Faves.

So a while back, I wrote a post stating I joined the Podcast Fad. Well this fad has lasted me 6 months, and I don't plan on slowing down any time soon. I love listening to them at work, instead of listening to music. I feel like there is so much different types of podcasts, that you can always find...

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Sharing the Love: Favorite Blogs At the Moment Pt. 4

I've been in this type of blogging rut. I still love blogging, but I haven't been in the mood to write posts ahead of time. In the last week, I've been literally writing my posts either the day before or the day of. It's kind of cool for you guys to get posts real time, but at the same time...

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I used to think I was ugly.

What a statement right? What a terrible thing to think about myself. I never had a problem with the way I looked growing up. To be honest, I couldn't care less what I looked like. I was too busy digging up worms, creating centipede villages, playing Halo on the Xbox, and playing with Pokemon and Yu-gi-oh cards to even care....

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3 Things I'm grateful for in April

Hey guys! I feel like it was literally last week that I was writing my grateful for in March post! This month was full of fun activities, and finally, some warm weather. I'm literally writing this in my backyard as I'm tanning. Life seriously doesn't get better than this. Enough chit chat, let's get onto the actual post! Cherry Blossom...

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Friendships I owe my life to.

I was reading a post by Sophie Rose, it wasn't directly related to friendships specifically, but I realized that I am beyond grateful that I've been blessed with some of the best friends in the world. Friends are the people who have seen you at your worst, and are still there for you. They help bring you back from hell....

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