Recap on Christmas Eve and Christmas!

Hey guys! I hope you had a great Christmas/Christmas Eve/ Hanukkah! It's crazy that all these holidays could be happening at the same time. Christmas Eve As I mentioned in my other post Christmas Eve happened at my house. It wasn't a huge gathering, but was still fun nonetheless. It was my household, which is five of us, Sofia, Nicholas, my...

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8 Best Underrated Animated Movies!

Now these movies aren't in any order, but when I was younger I used to love watching and re-watching these movies. Here are my favorite underrated animated movies: 1. Treasure Planet 2. The Road to El Dorado 3. The Hunchback of Notre Dame 4. Atlantis: The Lost Empire 5. Anastasia 6. Quest For Camelot 7. Cats Don't Dance 8. The Iron Giant A...

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Kylie Jenner Lip Kit in the shade Maliboo!

So I don't know if you guys know, but for Cyber Monday, Kylie had 20% off all products on her site. And of course I bought a whole bunch of lip kits. The only one that I have tried on so far is Maliboo. It's taken me a while to actually buy her products, cause I didn't know if her...

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Christmas Makeup Look 2016

Hey guys! I hope you guys have been having a good winter so far! For those of you that are college students, I hope you guys are done with finals. So I was originally going to post a written post about how I'm going to do my makeup for Christmas or at least Christmas eve, but I feel that it's...

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Best Christmas Gift I've Ever Gotten!

Harry Potter Boxed Set

This was probably one of the more difficult posts to write. I've been very fortunate in my life and have gotten some really amazing gifts. I've gotten concert tickets to see Backstreet Boys. I've gotten a really beautiful Michael Kors watch, which I still wear almost on a daily basis. I still think the one gift that is my favorite...

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So I'm pretty sure my snapchat link is up on the side, but I wanted to make a notice of people realizing I actually use it, especially on the weekends, So If you want more insight into my life then hop on there!   SC: heyyitsmelina

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Looking back on 2016

2016 has had a lot of ups and downs, to be sure. I did get to travel to amazing places, such as Puerto Rico, Harry Potter World, Disney World, and Washington D.C. Like most years, I've lost touch with some people, which sucks, especially when I really cared about some of them. This year was extremely difficult for my mental...

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Helping Grandma Put up her Tree!

Christmas Tree

Usually my grandma has usually put the tree up herself. She would put up a whole bunch of lights and a beautiful decorations on her tree, but for the last few years her Alzheimer's has progressed so far that she doesn't really do much. So today I dyed her hair for her, and help her put the tree up. It...

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Plans for the Holidays!

Hey guys, how have you all been? I'm so excited that finals week is next week, cause then it's officially winter break! This winter I don't think I have that much planned, but I have a few things that I'm looking forward to. So, classes end on the 22, which is actually super late for a fall semester to end....

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Mini Sephora Haul!

So a few weeks ago, Sephora had this huge sale, 20% off of everything! So since I couldn't splurge too much before it was time to buy christmas gifts, I did get a few things. I thought it would be fun to share what I got during this lil' Sephora Haul! Most of these products I used before, and always...

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