New Year's Eve in NYC

So I probably should have posted this as my first post for 2017, but that didn't get to happen. Oh well, no harm no foul. So I hope you guys have been having a great start to your 2017! In case you guys are interested, I got my two piece outfit from and my shoes are from H&M! So,...

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So I Was Thinking...Book Club?

So I've had a lot more time on my hands and have been reading a lot of books recently. How would you guys feel about me posting a weekly/monthly book club list? I really love reading, and actually read quite a lot. Would you guys like to know what I was reading, and maybe at the end of the month talk...

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Being Positive

First post of 2017! I hope you guys all had an amazing New Years Eve and New Years. If you guys want I can tell you all about it. I had such an amazing time last night. I thought to start of the year, we could go over the idea of being positive. It's so so important to be grateful...

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Best place to buy books online!


Hey guys! I'm here to tell you the secret to buying inexpensive books online, and nope I'm not talking about Amazon. Over the last year, I've added an English minor to my college resume. While taking classes for this minor, I've had to buy loads of novels. When I looked at the price of the books on Amazon, it really...

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Stila Stay All Day Waterproof Liquid Liner - Worth the Hype?

Stila Liquid Eyeliner

Hey guys! First of all, please excuse my nails, I have been seriously slacking! But I bought this product about a month ago or two, and I decided to write my final thoughts on the product and if it's worth the hype. First Impression I'm one of those people who go to Ulta and Sephora and try stuff that people...

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2017 New Year's Resolution!

New Year Resolution

I've never been a huge fan of resolutions because I felt like it was a way to set yourself up for failure. However, since starting my blog and making so many positive changes to my life, I feel like if you work hard then anything is possible. This year there are a few things I want to work hard on....

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What I got for Christmas this 2016!

Now I know you guys are probably tired of reading so many Christmas posts, so I promise this is the last one! I hope you had a great time over the holidays. Today i'm going to tell you guys all of the wonderful things I got for Christmas! So here are the things I got for Christmas: Pikmin 3 Now...

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Recap on Christmas Eve and Christmas!

Hey guys! I hope you had a great Christmas/Christmas Eve/ Hanukkah! It's crazy that all these holidays could be happening at the same time. Christmas Eve As I mentioned in my other post Christmas Eve happened at my house. It wasn't a huge gathering, but was still fun nonetheless. It was my household, which is five of us, Sofia, Nicholas, my...

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8 Best Underrated Animated Movies!

Now these movies aren't in any order, but when I was younger I used to love watching and re-watching these movies. Here are my favorite underrated animated movies: 1. Treasure Planet 2. The Road to El Dorado 3. The Hunchback of Notre Dame 4. Atlantis: The Lost Empire 5. Anastasia 6. Quest For Camelot 7. Cats Don't Dance 8. The Iron Giant A...

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Kylie Jenner Lip Kit in the shade Maliboo!

So I don't know if you guys know, but for Cyber Monday, Kylie had 20% off all products on her site. And of course I bought a whole bunch of lip kits. The only one that I have tried on so far is Maliboo. It's taken me a while to actually buy her products, cause I didn't know if her...

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