My Favorite Christmas Memory

When I was younger, I used to look forward to all the presents I was getting and the fact that I was home from school for a bit over a week. It was amazing. I still can look back and remember my favorite Christmas. I was about six or seven years old. I wasn't living in the house that I...

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Christmas Wish List 2016

So this is a bit late, cause it's already mid-December, but I guess It's never too late to send a wish list to Santa! I have been extremely fortunate to not really need anything. I have loads of makeup, clothes, shoes, and other unnecessary things. This list comprises of stuff that I don't really  need, but of course I would...

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Favorite Christmas Movies!

So I've been trying to do some Christmas Themed blog posts for the month of December. I love doing movie countdowns for holidays. For Halloween I love watching Halloween movies, so for Christmas I do the same thing. Here's a list of movies I love watching: The Santa Clause Definitely a classic, can't go wrong with this one! I feel...

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Disney Movie: Moana

If there are two things you should know about me, it's the fact that I love Disney and Harry Potter. So I went to see the movie last weekend, and I honestly have to say, It was amazing! The songs were written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, which is the guy who wrote the famous Broadway show Hamilton, so the entire soundtrack...

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Daily Skincare Routine

So this week I wanna talk about my daily skincare routine. I like to wear full faced makeup on an almost daily basis, and therefore really need to take extra care of my skin. These are 4 face products I can't live without. I am going to talk about each product from left to right. The first product I honestly...

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11 Christmas Songs to get you in the Holiday Mood!

So Christmas is one of those holidays that you either love or hate. I am one of those people that absolutely love Christmas! I am one of those people that love Christmas so much that I can listen to Christmas music about 9 or 10 months out of the year. So today I am going to give you guys a...

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Symptoms of Being Human by Jeff Garvin

Symptoms of Being Human by Jeff Garvin

I didn't originally read this book for my own enjoyment, because it was a reading assignment for my Young Adult Literature class. I didn't even really expect to like it, but I did. The narrator is funny and witty. Growing up, I didn't really have books like this, so I am so happy for the new generation of teenagers to...

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So while i've imported the blog posts from the other blogs, well at least some of them, I still felt like I should make an official announcement celebrating the official launch of my own official site. I've been considering making my own official blog for a few years now, but never felt like people would want to read what I...

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Catching Up With Old Friends

So today I went to lunch with this girl who I used to be best friends with when I was in high school. We had a fall out during our freshman year in college, but actually got back in contact about a year ago! Since then we on and off text, and today we had lunch together. It was really...

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In a bit of a Funk

While my funk is starting to pass, I can honestly say that the election has taken a toll on my mental health. I was so hopeful that the election wasn't going to turn out the way it did. I still remember the night of the election when I saw that Trump was getting all these electoral votes from all of...

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