Papier Dotted Notebook Review

While I've had this notebook for a little over 6 months, I don't know why it's taken me so long to write this post. Today we're going to be doing a Papier dotted notebook review! Now, I've reviewed a few other bullet journals throughout the years, and I think eventually I should do a bullet journal guide! There are so many great bullet journal companies, but some are better for different kinds of people.

papier dotted notebook review bullet journal bujo melina elisa blog

overview on Papier

Papier is a UK based stationary company that started in 2015. They strive for sustainability and including unique covers from talented artists. I've seen influencers of all kinds buy Papier notebooks, and so when I saw how cute the covers, I decided to purchase one for myself!


Now I'll only be talking about the bullet journals, since those are the only items I purchased. There are 3 different options for bullet journals. You can get a notebook with foil on the cover (only available in hard cover) or not . Then you get to decide whether you want a softcover or a hardcover.


Hard Cover: $31.99

No Foil

Soft Cover: $20.99

Hard Cover: $26.99

All of the prices mentioned above are in US dollars.

thoughts on the notebook itself

papier dotted notebook review melina elisa blog

I went back and forth between getting a soft cover and a hard cover. Usually, used soft cover, but this time around I got the hard cover books (I got two).

I love that there are so many beautiful cover designs, and that you can customize the cover with your name and a lil' quote.

I think that's where the positives end.

Firstly, the pages are 85gsm, which is really thin. When using any pen (I like to use the 0.5 muji gel pens), I get some sort of ghosting. Using anything like a high lighter or the Crayola super tips, leaves extreme ghosting. I tried using some colorful markers I had, which I've always used for other bullet journals, and it completely bled through two sheets of paper!

Secondly, I felt like there were a lot of features I use in other notebooks, that this one was lacking. There is no closure strap. No pen loop. No back pocket. Even though I knew it didn't come with those things, I didn't realize how much I'd miss those features while using this note book.

Overall, would I recommend?

papier dotted notebook review bullet journal bujo

no. I think that for the price point, there are so many things lacking with this notebook. The pages are way too thin for my liking. I had to buy a sticker to add a pen loop, because I missed having a pen with me no matter what. I have found so many notebooks in the $10-19 price point that I have liked so much more. Even the Amanda Rach Lee bullet journal which has a price point similar to this one, was perfect, and I would recommend a lot more.

I think that for someone who only writes with pen, and doesn't use markers/other mediums, they might like this notebook. But for someone like me, I really like not having to overthink whether it's going to destroy pages in my notebook.

While aesthetically, I love Papier, it doesn't really work for my day to day life really well. I really wanted to like it, but as someone who has been using bullet journals for at least 4-5 years, this notebook is definitely not for me. I will be finishing up this notebook, and go back to my Minimalism Art bullet journals!

So this is my Papier dotted notebook review! Have you tried Papier notebooks before? What are your thoughts? What are your go-to bullet journal brands?! Please let me know. As always, sending you all love, strength, and positivity xx

**Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. If you feel uncomfortable with this, simply search for the item yourself.**

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  • Nay says:

    Thanks for your review as this is exactly how I feel about my Papier journal! I received it and love the design, but the pages feel so thin and I already miss the other features that most bullet journals have that this one doesn't! I'm thinking of returning it tbh. Ugh, I love the cover though. I've used Dingbats and Notebook Therapy.

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I'm glad you agree with me! I see these notebooks all the time all over social media because they are so aesthetic. After using one until I finished it (about 6-8 months), I ended up using the other notebook for my Dungeons and Dragons notes! I didn't really enjoy it as a normal bullet journal! I've enjoyed the Dingbats, ARL, Minimalism Art, Notebook Therapy, Muji (they're discontinued) much better than the Papier ones. If you haven't written in it, I would recommend returning it (I customized mine, so they weren't exchangeable. Thanks so much for reading, and sharing your thoughts!

  • Lauren says:

    This is definitely my kind of post - I love stationery!
    I have never brought a product from Papier before so this was really interesting. I am currently using a Dingbats dotted notebook and love it.

    Lauren - bournemouthgirl

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I love stationary too! I've been meaning to write a review on this, because as cute as the actual notebook is, I HATE the paper! I've heard amazing things about Dingbats notebooks, I might have to check them out next. Thanks so much for the suggestion and for reading/commenting 🙂 xx

  • Phung @ BeActiveIsEasy says:

    Thank you for your honest review. To be honest, the best paper I've found to use with pens is the Tomoe River paper from Japan. Unfortunately, the machines to manufacture it breaks down and there might be no more 😰😰

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I’ve never heard of this paper or their notebooks before, i’ll definitely have to look into them, especially if they might be going out of business! Thanks for the suggestion 🙂
