Posts I'm Lovin' | 35

Hey guys, it's been a while since I've shared with you some of my favorite posts, and so I thought today would be the day I do so. Since we've been in this reopening of the world (at least where I live), it seems like everyone has their creative juices flowing! I've read so many amazingly written posts that I can relate to recently. So let's get into it.

Some Recent Film Snaps & Some Current Musings by Alice Catherine

In this post Alice is struggling with bouncing back after a really difficult year. I really related to this when I first read this post. It was so weird for everything to open up and change. There was no transition phase.

After trying to cope with getting out lives ripped from under us, we have to go back to normal as if it didn't happen. It was a super difficult thing to wrap my mind around, but I have finally moved past those thoughts, and am enjoying my vaccinated summer!

I definitely recommend giving this post a read if you felt anything similar to these feelings and thoughts. Alice has a really good way with words that I 100% recommend giving it a read.

Reflections with Chloe Plumstead: Were Designer Bags ever a good idea? by Chloe Plumstead

Now I'm definitely biased, but I love every single post that Chloe writes. She's originally from the blog, The Little Plum, but she's recently picked up a job writing articles for Aurelia Magazine and her work's just as good on there. It excites me, because that just means that I get more articles from her!

In this post she talks about a time when I felt like it was the start of the "Materialism Era". Everyone was buying luxury products. They weren't something that just the super wealthy owned. People were saving all their money, to spend it on designer bags. I remember on Youtube there would be a whole bunch of videos showing off their new luxury bag.

While I was never one who felt like spending hundreds upon thousands of dollars was something I wanted to do, I could never say I wasn't tempted.

Chloe was one of those people who was broke, and still saved up enough money to buy herself a luxury bag.

She reflects on why she bought it, and how she feels about it now (hint hint, it wasn't worth it for her). Definitely give it a read!

Time Taken by Alice Catherine

Now I feel this post soo much. I have talked about this exact topic with my friends, my family, my therapist. I'm someone who has just join the late 20s team this year, and after a year of doing basically nothing, I feel like some of the most important time of my life was taken from me. I lost the last year of my mid-20s.

I have felt angry, frustrated, and upset when I let my mind wander to those thoughts. If you too have felt any of these things, please give this post a read.

I think this is where I'm going to leave this post. These posts all are so relatable to me in so many ways. Especially if you're a female around my age. I hope you enjoy reading all of these, and relate to them as much as I have!

As Always, sending you love, strength, and positivity xx

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