posts i’ve been loving | #15

The weather's been so on and off these past few weeks, it's crazy! About two weeks ago it was perfectly warm and sunny, and right now it's been raining a lot, a bit of humidity, and has been chilly on some occasions!

While I normally do these posts later in the month, I decided to share with you my favorite posts of the month today. So let's get right into it.

the pipdig scandal: what it means for bloggers and what you should do nexts


While I never had a pipdig theme, (I'm actually still using a free one, that I've put a lot of time and effort into making it look the way I want it to), the whole issue with Pipdig was outrageous. I was reading posts and threads on Twitter to find out more.

It seems that Pipdig was putting a bit of code in their blog themes without the knowledge of the users. That piece of code was slowing down the websites of their competitors. On top of that they had some sort of kill-switch that could wipe someone's website forever.

Now, it was much more complicated than I made it seem, but everyone was rushing to switch their blog layout, figuring out where to go next, it was a stressful few days for those who were working with Pipdig at the time.

While I actually read all the blog posts that popped on my reader on the subject, Beth's was the best. It was the most informational, and at the same time was the least...stressed? Yes, she knew that this was a huge issue, but she didn't make anyone feel bad for still currently having a pipdig theme. There are so many factors as to why some people still have their theme up!

If you didn't hear about the scandal, or have a pipdig theme, I suggest you check her post out on the topic.

let's whisper // do you genuinely love the content you're creating and consuming?


This was such a wonderful post, and something that made me really think. We are constantly being pinged with information. It's not just through blogging and other blog posts, but with social media in general.

While social media can have a huge positive influence on us, if we aren't following the right people or consuming the right kind of content it can have a completely negative effect on us.

In this post, she talks about  making sure we are loving the content we are creating. While she's specifically talking about blogging, this post can be related to all social media platforms we use.

I have made a huge point in the last few months to follow positive people, people that influence me in a positive light, people that motivate me, and people that produce amazing content that I want to consume. I have unfollowed so many different types of people, especially on Twitter and Instagram. Either their content makes me feel negatively (which has nothing to do with them, and everything to do with me), or the simple fact that I'm not interested in their content anymore.

I've always made it a point to write about what I want on my blog. I don't have a specific "niche". If I did, I would have gotten bored of blogging way too quickly. I do have certain topics I like typically write about, but there are a lot of them, because I have a lot of interests.

I think it's so important to write about what you love, because it seeps through in your work. The people reading can feel the energy that is given off when they're reading your words. At least I feel that way. This is an amazing post, that is super well thought out, and I suggest you check it out!

who do i want to be when i grow up?

grow up.png

Chloe wrote this post, and I find it so relatable. This is a question I ask myself almost every single day.

I'm going to turn 25 in less than a month, and I still ask myself who do I want to be when I grow up, as if I'm not considered an adult already.

When we're younger, it's so easy to make a decision of what we want to do when we grow up (I wanted to be a fashion designer. My mom bought me a sewing machine and everything). 

As we get older, when we realize that things aren't as simple as making a decision, and the things we used to love aren't what we love anymore, it so much more complicated.

For the first time in my life, with my job, my blog, and my special project, I feel like I'm doing what I want to do with my life. I've always felt a little lost in terms of what I want to do with my career, but for the first time in a while, I feel pretty certain.

Chloe's words have echoed mine for a very long time, and it was an extremely entertaining read!

if you missed out on the other posts of the series you can catch up here:

5 posts i've been lovin' recently | #14

3 posts i’ve been lovin’ recently | episode 13

3 posts i’ve been lovin’ recently | episode 12

5 posts i’m lovin’ right now. | episode 11

5 Posts I’m Lovin’ Right Now. | Episode 10

What posts have you been loving recently? Have you heard of any of these amazing bloggers before? If so, what are some of your favorite posts by them? If not, you should definitely check all three of them out! As always, thank you for reading. It means more than you know. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. Sending you love, strength, and positivity.

-melina xxx


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  • Karalee says:

    I also have a free WordPress theme, but it was crazy when the Pipdig drama started & everyone was frantically trying to find a new theme.
    I agree that it is important to write about what you love & I'm glad to hear that you feel certain with what you are doing in your life!
    I'll be sure to give these posts a read!

    Tales of Belle

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I hope you enjoyed giving the posts a read! Thank you so much for reading and commenting Karalee xx

  • writingthebluesaway says:

    I love posts like these as it’s a way to share other bloggers and open others up to things they haven’t read! I haven’t read these but will definitely check them out, I’m particularly interested in the content one. I agree with you, I don’t really have a niche and write about all of my interests. I’d rather write content I enjoy than try to please others!x

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting! I hope you enjoyed reading those posts 🙂 x

  • hanmorris97 says:

    I've not read any of these posts, but they all seem so interesting! I had a Pipdig theme and remember the stress of trying to change it, what a nightmare! Your theme is beautiful, and definitely does not look like one of the free ones xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

    • Melina Elisa says:

      omg thank you so much Hannah! I'm so glad to hear that you changed your theme and made the best of it! Your new theme looks stunning 🙂 I hope you enjoy reading those posts! Thank you so much for reading and commenting xxx
