should you strive to advance in your job in your 20s?

This week my parents are on vacation. If you didn't know, my family owns a business, and so when they're on vacation I'm in charge.

That means, more responsibility and many more hours of work.

Since it's a family business, I've been working on and off since I was about 12. It started with me working only on Saturdays. Then, the moment I could drive, I started adding more and more hours to my work schedule.

The more hours of work I took on, the more responsibility I took on as well.


Eventually, I became a right hand man to my father, who is the "big boss". It was nice. Not only did I help take the load off of him, but my opinions were valued.

Throughout the years, with my input and suggestions, we've streamlined outdated processes. Not only that, but have continued to grow the business.

As I mentioned before, my parents are on vacation. I'm so used to working my work hours, that when I have to almost triple the hours I work, it definitely takes a toll.

My schedule for the last few days has been to wake up at ungodly hours, work for 11-12 hours a day, come home, eat, sleep, repeat.


Not only does it make me appreciate what my father and the other people who come here in the morning to help out do, but it makes me stop and think how many other people are sacrificing so much time to their jobs.

While I only do this for about two weeks in a year, there are some people who go day in and day out living and breathing their jobs. Where they don't really have a life outside of work.

The other day, my friend put up on a question on her Instagram story, asking people whether their job should go first or their personal lives. The answers were pretty mixed to be honest.

I actually wasn't surprised. Millennials are known to be lazy and spoiled rotten, but being a millennial myself, I find it to be the complete opposite. Most of the people I surround myself with, work long hours. Most of them working over 40 hours a week.


I was actually having a discussion with my friend last week, and she said she had trouble punching out of work on time, because she felt like she still had work to do.

I know for a fact that she is not the only person who struggles with this.

The one thing I wonder is why do we put so much time and effort towards our jobs? Are we all extremely career oriented, or are we trying to feel fulfilled in something, because we feel like we're lacking in other parts?

I think it depends. Some of us work, so we can move ahead in our careers, in order to feel more comfortable in the future. Some of us genuinely love our jobs and working, and so we have work goals we strive to meet. Others might work extremely hard because they're failing at other parts of their lives, and being noticed for doing well in their jobs makes them feel like they're not failing.


The real question is, should working be the center of our universe in our 20's? I thought about this for a while, and to me, I feel like it depends on a lot of factors. Everyone has their own goals for themselves and their lives. Not every one wants to reach the top of their career ladder. They are comfortable where they are at in their work lives, and are putting their efforts into something else, which is completely okay!

Then there are other people who work day in and day out, trying to reach the top (sooner rather than later). They spend a lot of their time at work, which leads to little to no time outside of it. They run a regular routine (with the exceptions of their vacations). Which I think is totally okay too.


Now where am I on this scale? I feel like I am career driven. I work in my family business, get home and work on our clothing store, and try to work on my blog. In the same breath, I try to leave time for my friends and family, which are also extremely important to me.

While I'm not even considering or even really want to "create" a family right now, the people that I have in my life right now that I care about, are a priority for me.

Where are you on the scale? I'm really interested to know.

Sending you love, strength, and positivity.

-melina xxx


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  • K.M. Sutton says:

    In my opinion it is all about finding that balance. Depending on the time of year, your job or social life might have you busier, but in the end as long as I have a good balance I am happy. 🙂 <3

    • Melina Elisa says:

      I agree! I feel like everyone has their own version of what balance is, but as long as I feel like it's the right balance for me, then that's what matters. Thank you so much for reading and commenting ! xx
