Sometimes, Old is Good.

Sometimes going back to things of the past isn't always bad. I know what you're thinking, everything single piece of advice in the world says the opposite. Now bare with me for a second.

As you know, in October/November, I went through a shit load of things (pardon my French). Since then, I've been happy, but feeling like something is missing. Like I wanted a change in my life. I knew I wanted a change, but I didn't know exactly what kind of change.

My friends are all succeeding in their lives and totally kicking ass. While I'm super proud of my recent achievements (over 1,100 followers on here in a little over a year is huge for me), I feel like I want something more.

Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash

While I was reading blog posts a few weeks ago, I fell upon one that spoke to me on a deep level . I don't remember who posted it (I'm so sorry if you're reading this post, and it's yours! I read wayyy too many posts on a daily). It had something to do with reaching out to old friends.

While I was reading the actual post, I didn't think much of it. I probably skimmed through it, and clicked off. Then I ran into an old best friend of mine. A friend that I've known since 6th grade. I was so happy to see her, and it just made me miss the friendship we had. I'm happy to announce that we're going to be grabbing lunch or dinner sometime next week!

Within this same week, I also got back in touch with another close friend that I've known since my 2nd year of college. Again, talking to her made me miss her loads. Since we reconnected, it's as if we never grew apart in the first place.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

To make things clear neither of the friendships went through a falling out or anything. We just grew apart. You know how it is. Work, school, other relationships and friendships. Times flies without either of you speaking to each other.

Since reconnecting with these two amazing ladies, I don't know why, but I feel like I'm making the right changes in my life. The kind of changes that don't make the ground shake, but they do create endless smiles and laughs.

This may not seem significant to any of you reading, but I am amazed at how much of a difference it's made in my life. I just feel...happier.

If any of you guys are feeling lost or as if something's missing, maybe it's because you need to catch up with an old friend you've lost touch with. If you're waiting for a sign to reach out to them, this is it.

As always have a wonderful day/night. Sending you all love, strength, and positivity.

-Melina xx


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  • Mide says:

    I can so relate to this post. I have also had times when I fell apart with certain people and it just made me sad, literally, but upon reconnecting with them, I lit up.
    Glad to know that you're happier, and great post.
    Your blog is beautiful by the way!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Friend breakups are extremely difficult to go through, and I have to say that I've gone through enough of them to know that while most of them usually end for the better, I'm quite happy with the friendships that I have reconnected with! Thanks for reading and commenting!
      and omg thank you so much! I worked on the look quite a bit 🙂 xx

  • Marie says:

    Thank you for this wonderful post, Melina - I find it so easy to lose touch with people we used to talk to, daily, when life happens, work happens, thing change or you move away and then, before you know it, years have passed before you actually talked to that person. I am thrilled you reconnected with old friends and hope spending time with them will bring you some of more happiness <3 <3

    • Melina Elisa says:

      It's been really great recently:) Sometimes when I feel a lil lost, it helps to go back to my "roots" and hang out with people who were super close to me and I used to get so much happiness from!) Thanks for reading and commenting xx

  • Always Cleia says:

    It's nice to reconnect with people! I feel like a lot of my friendships have dissolved since I got married, not really because of lack of trying to stay connected but there's just a gap between our mindsets now. Most of my single friends go to a lot of bars and places like that and I'm more of a stay home and watch movies kind of person now.

    On the bright side I'm going on vacation with a friend I've had since grade 4 so I'm super excited for a girls trip!

    • Melina Elisa says:

      That's totally different and normal at the same time! Maybe my couple-y friends think that about me? (I like going out at least once a week to go to the bars and dance). I do go to dinner/lunch with the friends who aren't really into the whole going out thing.
      But that's so exciting! Girl's trips are the best. Where are you guys going :)?

      • Always Cleia says:

        I'll do coffee with those friends, but it seemed to happen rather infrequently now. Which is fine, I still have Mike. And my cats 😹
        We're going to Panama for a week! I can't wait to lie on a beach 😊

        • Melina Elisa says:

          OMG that's so exciting! Get your tan on girl, you're going to have such an amazing time! I can't wait to hear all about it! x

          • Always Cleia says:

            Yes I'm looking forward to it! I'm looking forward to catamaran sailing =D

  • The Style of Laura Jane says:

    It can be a great feeling to meet up with old friends. Sometimes you just need a new perspective or a trip down memory lane to re-evaluate. I'm glad it's made you feel much better. I still feel like something is missing in my life, and I've put it down to needing to get back into dating lol. xx

    • Melina Elisa says:

      While I definitely need to get back into dating, I am definitely one step closer to making my life feel complete. It's definitely a work in progress! Thanks for reading and your thoughtful comment Laura! x

  • LiveNotExist says:

    I really think that you need to go back sometimes. All you’ve been trough have made you who you are and sometimes a reminder of all that happened is not to bad. So ppl who say you never should go back is afraid is my opinion. Yes we have to put some stuff behind but most of us never forget

    • Melina Elisa says:

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting. I do think that going back when it doesn't hurt you as an individual is good! The one thing is that you have to know whether you as an individual are going to learn, grow, or improve yourself by going back.
      In my case, I am so happy that I caught up with my old friends. Sometimes time and life gets the best of us, and then months/years pass without seeing some of those people that we once cared so much about. I'm beyond happy that I saw them this week. xx

      • LiveNotExist says:

        Indeed;) And I can only imagine how good it felt for you. A piece of you fall back to its place I bet😊
