The Big Issues For Bloggers Are Right Here

[contributed post] Are you thinking about starting a blog? Running a blog is a smart choice whether you are thinking about starting your own business or looking for a side hustle that you can use to push up the amount of money you earn each month. Regardless of what your reasons are for setting up your own blog, you are always going to run into various issues and roadblocks when attempting to ensure it is successful. Here are some of the key examples that you need to be aware of. 

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First, you could find that you have an issue with bots on your blog. Bot traffic can wreak havoc on your blog because they can drive up your clicks without providing any type of benefit. If you do think that you are seeing a high level of bot traffic to your blog, then it is worth investing in a bot protection tool. This can be particularly damaging if you are using a PPC campaign to promote your blog online instead of using an organic SEO campaign strategy. Bots will also clog up your comments sections, leading to poor user experiences overall. 

Low Engagement 

You could be struggling with a low level of engagement on your website. It’s possible that your blog is getting plenty of traffic but users aren’t engaging with the content that you post. Usually, this will be shown by a low time spent reading a post. Ideally, your audience members should spend at least a couple of minutes reading a blog post. If they are leaving after a few seconds, then you might need to consider whether the content is targeted towards their interests. 

Big Bounce Rate 

You could also be struggling with a big bounce rate on your business website. A bounce rate is a measurement of the percentage of users that click off your site without engaging. If your bounce rate is high, then it suggests that you are not providing the value that customers want or the answers that they are searching for. If you are running a blog, then it likely means that your content isn’t reaching the right quality standard. The best way to deal with this is to make sure that you are only posting the best content. Remember, long form content can be great as long as it has the right level of depth. 


This is less of a problem with bloggers alone and more a problem for just about everyone, but the question of how to monetize your blog is one that comes up a lot, especially for those who are relying on it to make a living or supplement their main income in a way they can’t live without. There are affiliate marketing agreements, advertising opportunities, and other ways that you can make money, but it’s recommend that bloggers look at ways of growing wealth outside of their blog. Investing, whether it’s in stocks and bonds or in real estate with the help of teams like Awesome REI LLC can offer you a shot at more than just an income. You need to think about building the path to real financial independence.

Technical Trouble 

Finally, you could run into technical trouble with your website. If your blog doesn’t run at the right speed or is difficult to navigate then it is going to impact your bounce rate as well as your ranking. There are numerous reasons why you could be having technical trouble. For instance, you might find it’s an issue related to the hosting service that you are using. If you switch your hosting solution, then your website should run at far faster speeds. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the issues that you may face as a new blogger and the steps that you should take to deal with these troubles.

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