Travel Diaries: Costa Rica 2017 pt. 2

Hello everyone, how is everyone doing this week. I don't know why, but this post was super procrastinated by me. I've been in this super blah mood all last week. I literally spent all day on the couch this past Sunday. I am literally so burnt out, which is crazy considering I really don't have any time to slow down now! I'm traveling again next week for the weekend, which I'm super excited about, and who knows what's going on this weekend. Before I continue rambling about my life anymore, let's get into how the rest of my trip to Costa Rica went!


Day 4


If you guys remember from my last post,  I went white water rafting the day before. After that I went to my cousin's house and knocked out immediately. The following day we finally were able to do some sight seeing in Cartago. If you didn't know, Cartago, used to be the capital of Costa Rica before they changed it to San Jose. There are lots of historical building sprinkled around the city. We went and saw a whole bunch of churches, which mom loved. I don't really consider myself the most religious person, but I could definitely appreciate the architecture of the beautiful glass stained windows.

After we finished being tourists, we had a delicious meal before we headed to Manuel Antonio, which is close to the city of Quepos. This was another terrible day of traffi. An hour into our trip, we found an oil truck fell off the road. We waited from the hours of 7pm-10pm not even moving. A little past 10, the traffic started moving. We finally reached our destination around midnight. We rented out this cute lil villa. It was so pretty. We looked around the whole house, claimed our rooms, and went to bed.

Day 5


This was the slowest day of the trip. After all this running around, waking up early, and doing exhausting activities, we decided to chill around the villa. Me and Sofia tanned and enjoyed the pool. The view from the house was amazing! I was literally in paradise.


At one point me, my mom, and my cousin went to check out the lil town close to us. I ended up buying these super cute wooden shot glasses and wooden key chains. When I got back to the house, I continued to spend my day reading, drinking, and dancing with my family.


Day 6

This was another beautiful day in paradise. We made breakfast, and we headed to the national park that had two beaches. They're extremely strict on what you can bring into the park. No junk food and no alcohol. The hike to the beach was cute. Once we reached the beach, I was in heaven. I absolutely love the beach, so I was so happy. The water was super refreshing. The first beach had rocks at the bottom of the water which I didn't like very much.


The second beach was better. While the sand wasn't an ugly gray color, the beach water was super smooth. It was so funny, there were these raccoons that were stealing people's fruits from their bags (This is probably why they don't allow junk food any more. They closed down the park a few months prior, because the monkeys were supposedly getting sick).


We spent about two hours at the beach, we went to eat some more authentic Cost Rican food. The food was extremely delicious. Afterwards we went back to our villa.


Day 7

This was the day to check out of the villa. We waited for the man who looks over the house and took off. This was the only day that we didn't hit any traffic. We made it pretty quickly back to Cartago. We were going to my cousin's wife's family's house for this soccer party. I actually never watch soccer, but Costa Rican's are super into it. It was funny seeing them get so excited. They made amazing barbecue food. After the night ended, we went back to my cousin's house. Since this was our last day, we packed up our stuff, and got everything ready for the morning.

The Flight Home

You thought this post was over, didn't you? Well you are wrong. We flew from Costa Rica to Fort Lauderdale without a problem. When we landed in Florida, we found out our flight was delayed an hour. From that one hour, our flight ended up getting delayed another two hours! It was such a terrible experience. We were tired, frustrated, impatient, and just wanted to go home at this point. We got home around 2-3 in the morning.

I am happy to say that I made it safely home. Costa Rica was an amazing trip, and I can't wait to go back. If you guys have any questions about my trip, leave a comment below! I promise I'm going to put up my video of my trip soon. I got loads of cool footage, so I can't wait til you guys see it. Have a wonderful day/night!

-Melina xxx

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  • TLC says:

    Susie sent me! I absolutely LOVE Costa Rica. I may consider living there someday.

  • overthehillontheyellowbrickroad says:

    Loved Costa Rica too!

  • aFrankAngle says:

    Hi Melina ... (although I may prefer to call you Waldo) .... but wouldn't the feminine version be Walda? ... OH ... I'm over from Susie's. Meanwhile, love travel posts. I haven't been to Costa Rica, but it looks great. The setting in this post seems so relaxing!

  • Always Cleia says:

    That sucks about the traffic and the Flight delays! I hateee it when flights keep getting delayed, it's the worst!
    It still sounds like it was a great trip aside from those things. It's good that you got a day to lounge around the pool, it's exhausting to just go go go for a whole week, no matter how fun the activities are!

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      I had an amazing time, it was so beautiful over there. I can't wait to go traveling again, aha! xx

      • Always Cleia says:

        I have serious wanderlust right now, I need to hop on a plane! Do you know where you'll go next?

        • ivefoundwaldo says:

          I'm going to california this weekend, so I'm excited for that! Then in January, I'm going to Japan!

          • Always Cleia says:

            Both sound wonderful! Two of our friends just got back from Japan and they loved it, you'll have such a great time!

            • ivefoundwaldo says:

              I can't wait for Japan for sure! Are you excited for Peru?! I can't believe it's almost here! xx

              • Always Cleia says:

                So excited!! We've started to get things ready for the trip, I feel surprised when I see my vacation days on the work schedule ?

  • Panty Buns says:

    Sorry to read of your frustrating travel delays getting home, but glad to see you had a wonderful time in Costa Rica! You looked fabulous on the baby blue blanket on that gorgeous beach wearing aviator sunnies, black swim bottom and colour-block swim top!! Looks like you had a wonderful vacay!!!

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Thank you so much, I did! Thanks for reading as always xxx

  • Louis Zmich says:

    Wow, what a fantastic journey you went on! I would love to do something like this soon. I volunteered in Mexico for a week helping out a non-profit, but this is certainly something just as immersive and educational. Looking forward to your video soon!

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      It was definitely an expensive trip, but totally worth it! I can't wait to finish editing and putting it up 🙂 xx

      • Louis Zmich says:

        Awesome, I'll have to check it out.
