Ways to stay active during the Quarantine!

Since people aren't allowed to go into the gym, it has been harder for some people to work out. I actually canceled my gym membership some time last summer, so it hasn't been a problem for me. Today I'm going to share with you the ways that I've been staying active during the quarantine! Let's get right into it.

Peloton App

I've talked about this app plenty of times. I originally used this app for cycling purposes. While it's still the exercise class I use most often on the app, there are plenty of fitness workouts that you can do! They have Strength Training, Yoga, Cardio Workouts (no equipment needed), Meditation, Indoor & Outdoor Running, and Boot camp workouts. I feel like they have a little bit for everyone!

I like this app, because they use regular music in the background during the workouts. They also have a wide variety of instructors! That way, if you don't like the vibe/music taste of on instructor there are many more to choose from. My favorite for cycling is Cody Rigsby.

When I was at the gym I was paying about $25 a month, and mainly only going to the cycling classes and using some of the ab machines. The Peloton App is $12.99 a month, which is about half the price I was paying when I was at the gym!

Chloe Ting Fitness Programs

While I've done a few Chloe Ting workouts in the past, my sister started using her free fitness programs about two weeks ago, and she's getting amazing results (mind you, she was doing other fitness workouts around two weeks beforehand). I started joining in on my sister's workouts about 3 days ago, and while I don't see any noticeable differences, I know for a fact that I've been giving my body a good work out I'm so sore the following day after my workout.

I like these workouts because you don't need any equipment other than a flat surface and your own body! Not only that, but they're completely free! She has multiple types of fitness programs, some that target certain areas on the body, while others are complete body workouts. She breaks down which videos to watch on each day and when to take a rest days. I definitely recommend looking into her workout programs!

Yoga with Adriene

I wanted to include at least one more free resource for exercising, and while Chloe Ting does an amazing job kicking your butt and getting your shredded and fit, I found Adriene who has amazing Yoga videos on Youtube!

Recently, she created a 30-day at home Yoga program! While I haven't personally tried her classes out, I feel like yoga is such an amazing way to become attuned with your own body. It's a bit slow paced, so it's definitely something that takes getting used to. Especially if you're someone who's used to fast paced exercises. If you want to check out Yoga with Adriene's Youtube Channel, click here!

So that's what I've been doing to try to stay active during the quarantine! What have you been doing? Let me know in the comments down below! As always, I hope you have a wonderful day/night! Sending you love, strength, and positive vibes.

**Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. If you feel uncomfortable with this, simply search for the item yourself.**

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  • alwayscleia says:

    I love home workouts! I'll have to check out Chloe Ting, I've been looking for new online workouts. I usually do Fitnessblender, they're also a 100% free resource with a calendar to add their workouts to. I just completed a 2 month program and need a change! Thanks for the ideas!

  • K.M. Sutton says:

    Thank you so much for sharing these! I have been using the Variis app (which is free on Instagram) and alot of my mentors have been teaching yoga classes, which makes me happy because I have missed their classes since I moved! Oe bright side to all of this! <3

  • Zoë says:

    Im finding it difficult to stay active at the moment, but I definitely need to try out some of those yoga videos!! xx

