What to do in NYC!

So my lovely friend Cleia said she wanted to see more of NYC, and stuff to do there in a comment, and while she was strictly speaking in terms of YouTube videos, I also wanted to have a written format, so you guys can quickly reference too whenever you guys get the chance to go there!

Now, there is so much to do there, and there is so much I haven't had to chance to go to. I think I'm going to make this a monthly series, where I talk about amazing places I've been to in New York City, and where I truly recommend you spend your time going and visiting.

I'm going to start with more common and cliche places, and as the series continues I'm going to talk about hidden gems I've found along the way. So, if you want to find out where I think you should go when you're in New York, keep reading.

Times Square


I know, I know, this is probably the first place people always think to go, but you never know! Some people might think it's overrated, but I always think this place is crazy. People come from all over the world to see this place that's so close to me. No matter what time of day it is, Times Square is always lit like it's daytime.

While it can be extremely crowded, I still love it. You won't find the famous $1 pizza or anything for a bargain, but you'll just feel, I don't know, a little bit in awe? Of course there's the red staircase, right there, so you might as well take a picture.

I'm sorry for those who have never been there, but the Toys R Us with the giant barbie house, T-Rex, and the giant Ferris Wheel is now official closed (well, it's been closed for a few months now, but you get the point). It was such a highlight to Times Square.

I still think you should check out Times Square while you're there!

Museum of Sex


Now this is a location much further downtown compared to Times Square, but I went last summer, and I found it to be pretty interesting! It's not even super expensive ($17.50). When you first walk into the location, you are in a literal sex store. They have everything you can imagine, from floggers to vibrators, handcuffs, condoms of all kinds, masks, headpieces, and lots of leather pieces. They even have some quirky reads that you can purchase. Once you walk through the entire sex shop part of it, they have the admission desk, and to the left of it is a really cute bar. Even if you don't want to go to the Museum, the bar actually has super reasonably priced drinks ($7-$10)!

They don't only talk about sex in terms of two people, they talk about animals too! They talk about animals that have sex for pleasure and which animals have had gay couples! They talk about crazy sex related things that have happened (specially based in New York).

Something else that you can do here is the boob bounce house. Yes, it's exactly what you think it could be. It's literally a kiddie bounce house, that has boobs of all different skin tones. They don't give you much time (maybe 10 minutes?), but it was so fun! To get more info, you can go on their website here.

(I even made a video where I went to the Museum of sex, if you want to see it here.)

Central Park

Photo by freddie marriage on Unsplash

The final is another obvious one, but I honestly love Central Park so so much. There are so many different parts of it. So much to explore while there, and it just feels like you're somewhere else completely instead of one of the busiest cities in the world.

               Rock the Boat

Did you know you can rent a boat? It's ($15 for an hour, and then $4 for  every 15 minutes after that hour). If you're feeling lazy you can get a gondola where someone can do the work for you ($45 for half an hour, and it fits 6 people). There's also a restaurant there, but it's super pricey, and totally not worth it in my opinion.

             Central Park Zoo

If zoo's are your thing, central park has their own zoo! While it's not very big, the bird house is pretty cool, cause you can walk around while the bird's are not caged up. If you do like zoo's, the best one in the area is the Bronx Zoo for sure.

             Sheep's Meadow

This is probably the first place I went to when I was in Sheep's Meadow. It's the perfect location to  have a mini picnic, sit down, and get away from it all. You also get a beautiful view of the city beyond the trees. The major plus? It's free!


There are a whole bunch of other things to do there, such as see the Alice and Wonderland statue, go Ice Skating in Wollman Rink, ride the Carousel, and if it's it's summer go to the lil' daily carnival/fair or see the Shakespeare play! Even if  you just walk around, I thoroughly enjoy it, and seriously think it's a pit stop everyone should make while in New York.

I really hoped you guys enjoy reading about these places in New York City. I know I gave you a lot of basic location, but we have to start somewhere right? I promise I'll start getting to the nitty gritty in the following NYC posts. Have a wonderful day/night! Sending you all love, strength, and positivity.

-Melina xxx

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  • thefrenchiestblog says:

    So much good recommendations ! I would love to go one day !

  • katielauren says:

    This is so great to read! I’m heading to New York for the first time in May so I have a lot of planning ahead to do, looking for all the best places to visit/ eat and drink! X


    • Melina Elisa says:

      I will be making this a monthly series on my blog so keep an eye out for that. I hope you love it here! 🙂 xx

  • Ashlynn says:

    I've never been to NYC or that part of the country so it's really nice to see posts like these, sharing all the fun things to do. That Boob bounce house photo is hilarious and looks super fun. I'd be down to jump around in there!

    Ashlynn | All The DIY

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      I hope you make it up here one day! Thanks for reading and commenting Ashlynn 🙂 xxx

  • Marie says:

    Oh thank you for writing this, Melina <3 I went to NYC once a couple years ago and have beautiful memories of the city and everything I did, it was a dream to go there and... now it's a dream to get back 🙂 Central Park is so great and I haven't explored everything there yet so... I need to get back now 🙂

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      I hope you get to come by soon! I would love to have the chance to maybe meet you and get a cup of coffee or something 🙂 xx

      • Marie says:

        Oh that would be amazing! I'll keep my fingers crossed for that someday 🙂 x

        • ivefoundwaldo says:

          I'm officially going to paris in June!

          • Marie says:

            OH YAY this is so great!! 😀

            • ivefoundwaldo says:

              you'll be seeing me soon if you'd like to 🙂 xx

              • Marie says:

                Oh that could be amazing! I live pretty far away from Paris though, but maybe something could be arranged haha 🙂 xx

  • Lydia Wilkins says:

    Hhmmmm... some very interesting landmarks here! Have you been to the cupcake ATM? That was my highlight when I visited NYC; I hope to go back one day.

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      I did have a cupcake from there! Maybe I'll mention it next time. I have to admit that I'm not the biggest fan of sweets (with the exception of ice cream) and so in future NYC posts you're probably find more restaurants and salty snacks than sweet ones. Thanks for reading and commenting Lydia 🙂 xx

  • The Style of Laura Jane says:

    New York is high up there on my must-travel places! I hadn't thought of the museum of sex though lol but it sounds interesting. I love museums in general - I went to a portrait one yesterday. And Central Park is just a must visit right! xxx

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      For whatever the Museum of Sex is often overlooked! I mean it's also not appropriate for kids, so maybe that's why? They have interesting documentaries, and artwork! I promise it's worth stopping by if you have the time. Thanks so much for reading and commenting 🙂 xxx

  • sophieheartsnet says:

    I love New York so much and will definitely be going back, I didn't go to the Museum of Sex or Sheep's Meadow so will keep these in mind!- https://sophiehearts.net x

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Keep an eye out for this page, because I promise you that i'll have another part to this post with with even more suggestions! Thanks for reading and commenting Sophie 🙂 xx

  • Lena Dee says:

    I'm so happy you did this post! Esp after tell you how much I'd fancy a visit all now lol... Time Square really is magical with it's vibrancy, I'd love to see the Ball Drop for NYE though. I know it'l be crowded & cold but it sounds like a lot of fun. And OMG the Museum of Sex sounds like fun haha and I love your pics! You seem like a lot of fun...Thanks for sharing 🙂 <3

    xx Lena | https://lenadeexo.com

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      The ball drop is something cool, but it's honestly beyond freezing at that time of year, that I don't think I could do it, specially for the amount of time that you have to be outside. You literally have to be there almost 24 hours before the ball drop to get a good spot close to any of the performers! Good luck though! Thanks for reading Lena xxx

  • Always Cleia says:

    Thanks so much Melina, I wasn't expecting you to post this so soon!!
    I had no idea a museum of sex existed! Crazy! I guess there's a museum for everything lol.
    Central Park is so big! I'd love to visit one day. Great post! xx

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      I've actually been planning on posting something like this for a while now, but you definitely made it much easier for me. I was glad that there was someone who actually wanted to read about New York! Thanks for reading and giving me the push I needed to publish this 🙂 xx

  • FebruaryCircus says:

    Oh I want to visit NYC so badly! It's one of my dream destinations <3

    • ivefoundwaldo says:

      Well, hopefully by then, I'll help you decide on where you want to go 🙂 xx
