Where do I see myself in the future?
Three weeks ago was my final session with my therapist. Before we ended out final session, she asked me something interesting. She asked "What goals to I have for the future? Where do I see myself in the future?". It's a little funny, because I spend most of my life in my head with my thoughts either thinking about the past or the future. And yet, when she asked me those questions, I didn't know how to answer.
We spent every week talking about goals I've been trying to reach, that I would have expected those questions as a parting questions.
While I feel like I didn't have the proper response when she asked me, I've had some time to think about it, and want to chat about it on here.
What goals do I have for the future?
While I wrote both of these responses in my journal, they were a lot more long winded, and less organized than the way I'm going to present them to you on here. When I was younger, I thought the main goal in life was to have a lot of money, so I can have a big house and not have to work.
Obviously by now we all know that it's not that simple, and also that it's important to make smaller goals in order to reach your larger goals. Immediately, my goals are continue on focusing on finding balance, doing things to make me happy, and in between those two things buy a house. While they all seem fairly simple to achieve, I've struggled to achieve all three of these things. Actually that's not 100% true.
I used to have this goal to have a home. The keyword is home. I wanted to move out of my family home and create a home away from that home. A place to retreat, recharge, and find comfort in. And this year, I achieved that. Me and J moved in together (which I have written about a few times. here & here), and while it became my house, it took a little longer for it to feel like my home. That feeling did eventually come, and so now that I have hit that goal. The next time is to move up from renting and buy a house.
With the way the economy is going, it's not something I expect to immediately hit, but I'm going to continue to save money so I'm ready when it's the appropriate time.
When it comes to the other two things, I feel like it's a very up and down battle. Sometimes I feel like I have everything figured out. My life is completely balanced, and I feel happy. Other times, I feel like I'm trying to juggle 7 balls at a time, when I can only hand 3. Then I drop all the balls, and feel like I'm overwhelmed.
I don't know what it is about getting older, but as we get older we gain more responsibility and we have more things to try to balance at the same time. Not only that, but time I zooming by, and I constantly feel like I don't have enough time to do everything I want to do. So it's been tricky!
At the end of the day, I can't do it all. No matter how hard I try, it's just not possible. So I've been trying to come to terms with that. It something that sounds so obvious, especially when I write it down, unfortunately my mind doesn't agree with me.
So It's definitely been a work in progress. And something I've been working towards.
Where do I see myself in the future?
Where do I see myself in the recent future (now I'm talking about in the next year or so)? Me and J are thinking of resigning our lease, so we will be in this apartment for another year. Which is nice, because it will allow me to prioritize getting some wall art! I want some in front of my computer, in the living room, and also in the bathroom. I don't know why I find buying wall art so intimidating! It's hard for me to commit, when there are so many different directions to take the art.
Me and J will also be officially hitting 2 years, which is very exciting. We were thinking of hitting up a delicious Michelin Star restaurant in NYC or a highly rated restaurant with a prefixed menu for our anniversary.
I want to continue blogging, and maybe dip my toes into some sort of video content again? I keep saying I want to do it, but it's so time consuming, and I'm just not sure.
I think I want travel to Canada on the Adirondack train and maybe if funds and time allow, take J to the Dominican Republic.
I want to continue to have lots of girls night, nights staying in and reading, and date nights.
I 100% want to prioritize my health and fitness, so I will be joining a gym soon, and hope to be the most fit in my life! Me and J both committed to healthier eating, which was super nice. It's a lot easier to eat healthy when the person you're living with also agrees to making positive changes.
Looking back at what I wrote, I feel like I still don't really know where I see myself in the future. There is a lot I want to do, and there are also a lot of goals I want to hit, but I still couldn't answer the question easily.
I mean we'll see! We'll check back in next year and see what ended up happening. A questions I want to ask you guys is where do you see yourselves in the future? Let me know xx

I really love this post. I spend a lot of time thinking (obsessing, really) about the future and what direction I'm going in. Like you, I've been trying to make a 'home' and I'm hoping to buy a house soon because renting just feels so uncertain - I can't make anything mine here because it's not permanent.
It's really refreshing to read someone with goals similar to mine that focus on a quality life full of reading, cosy nights in and time with friends. Congrats on 2 years together!
omg thank you so much for the thoughtful comment! I'm lucky because my apartment complex lets me hang up stuff and paint the walls, so there's a bit of flexibility. But I really am looking forward to eventually owning a house and really making it mine 100%. I have faith that we'll eventually hit our goals 🙂 x