it’s important to love ourselves.
This is a tough topic for me. It hits extremely close to home. Believe it or not, there was a time in my life where I didn't love myself very much. I would go as far and say that I didn't like myself at all. Now, this was before social media was very big, and while there wasn't that online presence to compare myself to, I still had other methods of comparing and putting myself down.
I was honestly so mean to myself. It's crazy because I would never talk to someone else the way I talked to myself. I always wondered why that was. Even now, I am everyone else's cheerleader, but my own worst critic.
I would do everything in my power to do things to please those around me, even those who didn't matter to me. I would only take care of myself only after I put everyone else's needs before mine.
It was exhausting. I was always sad and down, and I had no idea why. I didn't realize it at the time, but it was because I didn't love myself. I didn't put myself first.
I never realized the importance of loving myself. I thought if I loved all those around me, and they loved me back, that it would be enough.
I had never been so wrong in my life.
It wasn't until my relationship with my first real love ended, that my mindset changed for me. After that relationship ended, I had never felt so alone in my life. I had lost the person I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with, and on top of that, I had lost my supposed best friend of 10 years a few weeks later.
It was definitely not easy for me.
I hit rock bottom (or so I thought at the time). My friends and family were worried for me. I wasn't eating or sleeping. I wasn't doing any of the things that had once made me happy. I felt so lost.
I started going to therapy, and it was to this day one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life. During those sessions, I was taught to love myself.
It wasn't a steady uphill battle. There were plenty of ups and downs, and there still are, but I am here to tell you that I am happier than I ever been. I actually truly love myself.
I am not perfect, by any means, but I like myself. I believe that I am a good person. I am hardworking, smart, trustworthy, funny, kind, and so much more.
I know not only am I worthy of the love of others, but I should most definitely love myself.
There are days where I still struggle with this, but I repeat some positive affirmations, until those thoughts in my head go away. This doesn't always work, but they have helped enough times, that I can tell you they definitely work.
Loving ourselves isn't thinking that we're perfect or thinking we having no growth to make. Self-love has to do with treating ourselves every once in a while, whether it's in terms of snacks, material objects, or going out and splurging a bit. It has to do with taking time out of your week, to relax and do things that you genuinely like to do. Whether it's going out to the club and dancing the night away, binging a new show on Netflix or Hulu, or staying in with a face mask on while reading a good book.
It's being grateful for the body and mind you have. The one that has gotten you to where you are now. It's allowing yourself to realize how far you've come, and being proud. It's also, looking ahead and figuring out how you want to grow/improve next.
How do you show yourself love? Would you say you love yourself? If you don't love yourself, do you like yourself? If you said no to both of those things, I want you do a little exercise. Sit down and make a list (preferably written) about all the qualities & traits both physical and not about what you like about yourself.
When I was in therapy, I had to do this exercise. It was kind of hard to do the first time. I've never been one to hype myself up. It kind of felt like I was bragging about things I thought I was good at or appreciated about myself.
I realized how far from the truth that could be! Just because you like something about yourself, doesn't mean that you're bragging or being a narcissist. You just love/appreciate that thing about you, and that's okay!
I would recommend you do this about once a month or whenever you're feeling down on yourself. Try to think about new things instead of just adding the same things. If you don't love yourself in this moment, you will slowly start to love yourself when you do this exercise.
How has your journey to self-love been? Rocky or a nice and steady uphill battle? Let me know! I hope each and every one of you realize that you are worthy of being loved by others and by yourself. You are so precious and deserve that love.
Sending you love, strength, and positivity.
-melina xxx
Beautiful post. I think as I grow older (34 now) I’ve learned to love myself more and more. University were probably my defining years, taught me how to speak up for myself. Im super grateful for this super imperfect body.
Oops I meant to leave a quote “I love you, but I love me more.” Samantha Jones
No one else will care for you like you can, simply because you know yourself and your needs/desires
What a perfect way to end your comment! I love sex and the city, and this quote is perfect. xx
I completely agree! I think that as you grow older you figure out what is important in life and what isn't. You learn to appreciate all the amazing things our bodies do for us. We learn that we are amazing. Like you said, as i've gotten older, I have learned to speak up for myself (something I have been told not to do. I was always told to stay quiet), and I have continued to learn who I really am. Thank you so much for reading and commenting Natasha xx
Wow, this really resonates with me, I've definitely struggled with self hatred before, and I continue to do still. But you're right, it's up and down, and I definitely find myself more up than down. I love how you've mentioned therapy, I've never had any myself, but I think that people like you talking about it definitely helps destigmatize it. Thanks for talking about this subject, I'm proud of how far you've come!
Emma -
I'm so glad to hear that you agree with me, and you have had much more ups than downs. That is so so great to hear, and I am beyond happy for you.
A lot of people look at therapy as a moment of weakness. As rock bottom, when in reality, I think everyone could use going to therapy. It's such a healthy way to deal with problems in our lives. If you ever feel like you need someone to talk to and to listen, I definitely recommend therapy! Sometimes you have to go through a few of them before you find someone that just clicks the right way. Thank you so much for reading and commenting!
I am so proud of you babe ! x
I love this so much. Physically Ive never really had a problem with myself, I think my issues are more within my mind and who I am. Well I say who I am, but really I mean anxiety and depression. It makes me hate my mind, even though I am so so proud of who I have become. Its been an uphill battle, but I am certainly doing so much better now than ever before! Im proud of you Melina! xx
Yes! My anxiety and depression play a huge part in the problems I have with myself. It also makes me hate my mind, but like you said, it's made me stronger and helped me become who I am today. I'm proud of you too Zoe ! xx